Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/602

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47S PHILLIP'S J7S7 And Wee do hereby give and grant anto jon |ttll power and autliority to erect raise and build in our said territory and its dependencies such and so many forts and platforms castles cities Fortifioa^ boFooghs towns and fortifications as you shall judge necessary and tions. ^^^ same or any of them to fortify and furnish with ordnances and ammunition and all sorts of arms fit and necessary for the security and defence of the same or any of them to demolish or dismantle as may be most convenient, And forasmuch as divers mutinies and disorders may happen by persons shipped and employed at sea during the time of war and to Naval the end that such as shall be shipped and employed at sea during disdpUne. ^^ ^^^ ^| ^^^ ^^^^y j^^ better governed and ordered Wee do hereby give and grant unto you the said Arthur Phillip full power and authority to constitute and appoint captains lieutenants masters of ships and other commanders and officers and to grant to such captains lieutenants masters of ships and other commanders and Martial law. officers Commissions to execute the law martial during the time of war according to the directions of an Act passed in the twenty- second year of the reign of our late royal grandfather intituled An Act for explaining amending and reducing into one Act of Parlia- ment the laws relating to the government of his Majesty's ships vessels and forces by sea as the same is altered by an Act passed in the nineteenth year of our reign intituled An Act to explain and amend an Act made in the twenty-second year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the Second intituled An Act for amend- ing explaining and reducing into one Act of Parliament the laws relating to the government of his Majesty's ships vessels and forces Punish- by sea and to use such proceedings authorities punishments correc- S?ender8 ^^OTiS executions upon any offender or offenders who shall be mutin*^ ous seditious disorderly or any way unruly either at sea or during the time of their abode or residence in any of the ports harbours or bays of our said territory as the case shall be found to require according to martial law and the said directions during the time of war as aforesaid. No jurisdic- Provided that nothing herein contained shall be construed to the offenc^com- enabling you or any by your authority to hold plea or have any S*h^ h" jurisdiction of any offence cause matter or thing committed or done seas. *^ upon the high sea or within any of the havens rivers or creeks of our said territory and its dependencies under your Government by any captain commander lieutenant master officer seaman soldier or other person whatsoever who shall be in actual service in pay in or on board any of our ships-of-war or other vessels acting by immediate commission or warrant from our Commissioners for executing the office of our High Admiral of Great Britain for the time being under the seal of our Admiralty : But that such captain commander lieutenant master officer seaman soldier or other person so offending shall be left to be pro- Digitized by Google