Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/603

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COMMISSIOK. 479 oeeded against and tried as the merits of their offences shall require 1797 either by commission under our Great Seal of Great Britain as the statute of the twenty-eighth of Heniy the Eighth directs or by Offences od o(»nmission from our Commissioners for executing the office of our g^^be H^h Admiral of Great Britain or from our High Admiral of Great *jj®^!*y Britain for the time being according to the aforesaid Act intituled Admiralty An Act for amending explaining and reducing into one Act of ^^*^- Parliament the laws relating to the Goyemment of his Majesty's ships vessels and forces by sea as the same is altered by an Act pa»ed in the nineteenth year of our reign intituled An Act to explain an Act made in the twenty-second year of his late Majesty King George the Second intituled An Act for amending explaining and reducing into one Act of Parliament the laws relating to the Government of his Majesty's ships vessels and forces by sea. Provided nevertheless that all disoi*ders and misdemeanours com- offences mitted on shore by any captain commander lieutenant mtister ^"JJoJJ^y officer seaman soldier or any other person whatsoever belonging to officers or any of our ships-of-war or other vessels acting by immediate com- jSg^to^thJT'" mission or warrant from our commissioners for executing the office °*^^ of our High Admiral of Great Britain or from our High Admiral of Great Britain for the time being under the seal of our Admiralty . may be tried and punished according to the laws of the place where ^ ^ ^^^ any such disorders offences and misdemeanours shall be committed ^th on on shore, notwithstanding such offender be in our actual service and borne in our pay on board any such our ships-of-war or other vessels acting by immediate commission or warrant from our Commissioners for executitig the office of our High Admiral of Great Britain or from our High Admiral of Great Britain for the time being as aforesaid, so as he shall not receive any protection for the avoiding of justice for such offences committed on shore from any pretence of his being employed in our service at sea. Our will and pleasure is that all public monies which shall be public raised be issued out by warrant from you and disposed of by you "M>n»cs- for the support of the Government or for such other purpose as shall be particularly directed and not otherwise. And Wee do hereby likewise give and grant unto you full power Power to and authority to agree for such lands tenements and hereditaments Rt^^ i^^- AS shall be in our power to dispose of and them to grant to any person or persons upon such terms and under such moderate quit- rents services and acknowledgements to be thereupon reserved unto us according to such instructions as shall be given to you under our sign mapual which said grants are to pass and be sealed by our seal of our said territory and its dependencies and being entered upon record by such officer or officers as you shall appoint thereunto shall be good and effectual in law against us our heirs and successors. Digitized by Google