Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/696

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572 BEBUOORAFHT BtbliD- Another edition was pabliahed, wiih a different title : — t^' ^^y* TheUiftoijof theSevwambiaoi; truialatedirom theMenioirof Gbptain Siden, who bved fifteen yean among them. 8yo. LondoB, 1738L Another French pnblicatuMi of the same kind was pnbliahed with the following title : — Voyage de Robertson aux Terres Anstrales, tradnit snr le Mann- scrit Angloia 12ino., pp. 474. Amsterdam, 1766.

    • Robertson " represents himself as the lieutenant of a ship called

the Elizabeth, in which the Chevalier Drake sailed from the Thames in 1585 to discover the Terres Anstrales. Early Yoyages : — ^The literatare relating to the discovery of Terra Australis has been collected and discussed by R. £L Major in his Eaf ly Voyages to Terra Australis, published by the Haklujt Society in 1859. In the introduction the author summarises the different voyages of discovery to the South Sea made by French, Portuguese, Spanish and Ihitch navigators, and examines the evidence on the question of priority among them. The introduc- tion is followed by translations of documents from the Spanish and Dutch Archives^ and extracts from published voyages, as follows : — A memorial addreesed to his Catholic Majesty Phillip the Third, King of Spain, by Dr. Juan LuU Arias, respectine the exploration, cokmiaatioii, and conversion of the Southern Land. Translated from the Spanish original. Relation of Lots Vaez de Torres conoeming the discoveries of Quiros as his Almirante. Dated Manilla, July 12, 1607. A translation nearly literal by Alexander Dalrymple, Esq., from a Spanish manuscript copy m his possession, reprinted from appendix to vol. ii of Barney's Discoveries ia the South Sea. Extract from the Book of Dispatches from Batavia, commencing Jannaiy the 15th, 1644, and ending November the 29th following. Reprinted from Dalrymple's Collections Conoeming Papoa. The Voyage and Shipwreck of Captain Francis Pelsart, in the Batavia, on the coast of New Holland, and his succeeding adventures. Translated from Thevenot's Becneil de Voyages Curieux. Voyage of Gerrit Thomas Pool to the South Land. Translated from Valentyn's Beschryvinge van Banda. Account of the wreck of the Ship De Vergolde Draeck on the South Land, and the expeditions undertaken, both from Batavia and the Cape of Good Hope, in search of the survivors and money and goods which might be found on the wreck, and of the small success which attended them. Extracted from MS. documents at the Hague, and translated from the Dutch. Description of the West Coast of the South Land, by Captain Samuel Volkersen, of the pink Waeckende Boey, which sailed from Kttavia on the 1st of January, 165S, and returned on the 19th of April of the same yev. Extracted from MS. documents at the Hague, ana translated from the Dutch. Extract translated from Burgomaster Wisten's Noord En Oost Tsrtaiye. Extract from the Sloan MS. .^296, entitled The Adventures of WiDism Dampier, with others [1686-87], who left Captain Sherpe ia the Soath Seas^ and travelled back overland through the country of Darien. Digitized by Google