Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/697

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OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 673 Some particaUtv relating to the voyage of William De Ylamingh to New Biblio- Holland in 1696, extracted from MS. documents at the Hague, and translated graphy. from the Dutch. -...^ Extract from the journal of a voyage made to the unexplored South Land, by order of the Dutch East India Company, in the years 1096 and 1697, by the hooker De Nuptang, the De Geelvink, and the galiot De Weeel, and the return to Batavia. From the MS. documents at the Hague : translated f n>m the Dutch. Account of the obeervations of Captain William Dampier on the coast of New Holland, in 1699, being an extract from '* a Voyage to New Holland, &c, is the year 1699." A written detail of the discoveries and noticeable occurrences in the voyage of the fluvt Vossenbosch, the sloop D'Waijer, and the patsjallang Nova Hollandia, despatched by the Ooverument of India, anno 17(^, from Batavia by wav of Timor to New Holland. From MS. documents at the Hague : translated from the Dutch. The Houtman's Abrolhos in 1727, translated from a publication entitled De Houtman's Abrolhos, by Captain P. A. Leupe, of the Dutch Navy. Supplement, " On the Discovery of Australia by the Portuguese in 1601," Archseologia, vol. xxxviiL PurchaBy his Pilgriinfis: — Hakluytus Posthumous, or Purchas, his Pilgrimes, in five bookes, &C. By Samuel Purchas, B.D. Maps and illustrations. 5 vols., folia London, 1625. The fourth volume contains : — Aelation of the new disooverie in the South Sea made by Pedro Fernandez Giros, Portuguez, 1609, with his petitions to the King, one Englished, another in Spanish : p. 1 422. The oopie of a petition presented to the King of Spaine, by Capt. Peter Ferdinand de Quir, touching the disooverie of the fourth part of the world, called Terra Australis Incognita : and of the great riches and fertilitie of the same. Printed with license in Sivill, an., 1610: p. 1422. A note of Australia del Espiritu Santo, written by Master Hakluyt : p. 1428. This appears to be the first use of the word Australia in print. Thevenot: — Relations de Divers Voyages Curieux, qui n'ont point est6 Publi^es, et qu' on a Traduit ou tir^ des Originaux, Ac, donnas au public par le soins de feu Mechisedec Thevenot. Nou- velle Mition. 2 vols., folio. Paris, 1696. The first volume contains : — I>dcouverte de la Terre Australe, par le Capt. F. Pelsart, 162S, traduite de THollandois. Carte de cette Cinqui^me Partie du Monde, 1663. The second volume — Konte d'Abel Tasman autour de la Terre Australe, arec la d6- couverte de la Nouvelle-Z^londe et de la Terre de Diemens, 1642-3» Digitized by Google