Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/724

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600 BIBLIOGRAPHY Biblio- FlinderB : — Biographical Memoir of Captain Matthew Flinders, g^ ^P^y- R.N., with portrait— Naval Chronicle, vol. xxxii, pp. 177-191. London, 1814. See also Quarterly Review, vol. xii, pp. 1-46. London, 1814. Anon: — An Accurate List of the names of the landholders in the colony of New South Wales, pointing out the number of acres in each diatrict as granted from the Crown. Corrected to 1813. London . . . price 2s. 6d. the book, or 10s. 6d. with a coloured map of the colony. 8vo., pp. 55. Dec, 1814. Yale, Bev. Bd^amin : — Report of the Proceedings on a Trial by Court-martial of the Rev. Benjamin Vale. London, 1816. 0*Hara:— The History of New South Wales. Printed for tlie author. [James O'Hara.] Svo., pp. xi, 469. London, 1817. A second edition was published in 1818, each being anonymous. ^ The work is a compilation from Collins' Account of the Colony and other authorities of the same kind. It contains extracts from the Sydney Gazette, 1806-1812 (pp. 255-388), and a Parliamentary Report on the Colony, issued in July, 1812. McEonochie : — A summary view of the statistics and existing commerce of the principal shores of the Pacific Ocean. With the advantages which would result from the establishment of a central free port within its limits. By Captain McKonochie. 8vo., pp. xxii, 366, and map. London, 1818. The desciiption of New South Wales occupies pp. 153-180. The central free port in the Pacific should be fixed, according to the author, in the Sandwich Islands. Walkenaer, C. A.: — Le Monde Maritime d* Australie, &c., 1818. WalUi : — Yiews in New South Wales — First set : A Corrobora, or Native Dance, from Life ; View of Sydney, from Dawes* Battery ; Sydney, from the North Shore ; Sydney, from Bennelong's Point ; View on the Hawkesbury, near Windsor ; View of Newcastle. Price, £3. Second set : A View of Hunter's River ; Dawes' Battery, from Anson's Point ; View of Vaucluse ; the North and South Heads ; Black Swans, with a view of Reid's Mistake ; Pair of Kangaroos, with view from Seven mile Hill, Newcastle. Price, 30s. Both lots, if taken together, £L Now piiblished, and on sale at the Gazette OflSce (Sydney, January 9, 1819). These views were afterwards re-iasued in a volume. Vanz: — Memoirs of James Hardy Vaux. Written by Him- self. 2 vols., 12mo., pp. XX, 247; vii, 227. London, 1819. Digitized by Google