Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/725

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OF NEW SOUTH WALES. 601 Vanx was twice transported to New Sonth Wales, and this work g^yea Biblio- minnte aoooonts of his occupations and services onder the public officials, grapby. Governor King, and others. To the second volume (pp. 147-227) is added, " A New and Comprehen- sive Vocabulary of the Flash Dinffuage," compiled and written by Vaux, during a temporary banishment to Newcastle. Another edition, without the Vocabulary, forming a volume of a series of " Autobiographies," bears the following title : — " Memoirs of James Hardy Vaux, a Swindler and Thief, now transported to New South Wales for the second time, and for life. Written by Himself." 18mo., pp. xxiv, 288. London, 1825. Re-issued in 1827 and 1830; also, a large paper issue in 12mo. In French : — Confessions de James Hardy Vaux, gentilhomme voleur, escroc de Londres, d6port6 k la Nouvelle Galles du Sud, 6crites par lui-m^me. Three articles in the Revue de Paris, by Philar^te Chasles. Bennet : — ^A letter to Viscount Sidmouth on the Transportation Laws, the state of the hulks, and of the colonies in New South Wales. By the Hon. Henry Grey Bennet, M.P., dated December 27, 1818. Postscript, January 29, 1819. 8vo., pp. 137. London, 1819. A letter from the Rev. S. Marsden to Governor Macquarie, dated Parra- matta, 19th July, 1815, is printed in an appendix, pp. 128-137. „ — A letter to Earl Bathurst, Secretary of State for the Colonial Department, on the condition of the colonies in New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land, as set forth in the evidence taken before the Prison Committee in 1819. By the Hon. H. Grey Bennet, M.P. With Appendix. Letters from Rev. S. Marsden, <fec. 8vo., pp. 144. London, 1820. WentwOTth : — A Statistical, Historical, and Political Description of the Colony of New South Wales, and its dependent Settlements in Van Diemen's Land. By W. C. Wentworth, Esq., a native of the colony. 8vo., pp. xi, 466. London, 1819. Second edition. 1820. Third edition. 2 vola 1824. A Map of the Settlements in New South Wales, prefixed to vol. ii of the third edition, marks the Broken Bay of Captain Cook" some miles to the south of Broken Bay — corresponding with the latitude given by Cook, 33' 42' ; Hawkesworth, vol. iii, p. 607. Kingdom : — America and the British Colonies : An abstract of all the most useful information relative to the United States of America, . . . Canada, . . and New South Wales, October, 1820. Exhibiting the comparative advantages and disadvantages Digitized by Google