Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/735

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INDEX, 611 Pint Fleet ships hove down, ib. storeship detained as a cellar, S18, 334. Oolden Grove sent to Norfolk Island, 332, 347. return, 365. ships return to England, ib. question as to the route, 826. voyage of the Alexander, ib n. Sirius sent to the Gape, 182, 335, 346. wrecked, 184, 200, 249, 309, 606, 608. Supply sent to Norfolk Island, 272-3, 830. discovers Lord Howe Island, 170, 274. sent there for turtle, 297. to Batavia for supplies, 170, 249. condemned, 621. news of the Fleet received in England, 363 n. particulars of the ships, 480. expenditure, 470. Flax cultivation of the New Zealand plant — proposed by Matra, 6, 423. by Sir George Young, 7, 430. in Heads of a Plan, 434. suggestion adopted by the Government, 484-5. cultivation not successful, 9, 188, 295. why, 36, 188, 831, 365. Maori teachers of flax-dressing, 188. Phillip proposes to send to Queen Charlotte Sound for plants, 46. asks the French liotanists if they had seen the plant at Botany Bay, 280. refers to the plant in Port Jackson, 280, 296. "never met with," ib. "frequently met with," 296. the plant at Norfolk Island, 331. Cook's description of the New Zealand plant, 334 n. of the Norfolk Island plant. 333. very luxuriant, eight feet high, 831. would supply rope, canvas, and clothing, 866. opinion uf English manufticturers, 333, 424, 434. Sir George Young proposes to cultiMite the plant in Norfolk Island, 11, 334. Flinders opinion as to original name of New Holland, xxxii, 86 n. as to names given by the Dutch, ib. authority for his iew8, ib, xxxiii. evidence against, xxxiii, xxxiv. suggests the name Australia, 86. charts, 86, 80. the name previously applied by Dalrjnnple, 87. effort to revive the name Terra Australis, 80, 90. voyage of the Investigator, Ixxii. devotion to his work, Ixxvi. connection with Sir Joseph Banks, 80. proposes to explore the interior, 84. speaks of Australia in 1806, ib. ' the inland sea theory, Ixxxiv. French claim to discovery of New Holland, xL de Brosses' collection of voyages, xxvii, 87-8, 02 n, 676. chart of Nouvelle Hollandc, xx^ii. referred to by Cook, ib. Thevenot's collection, 673. chart in Thevenot, xxxii. his Terre AxtstraU mistaken by Flinders for Terra Anstralis, xxxiiL Perron's account of Botany Bay, xliil. expeditions to the South Pacific, 26-6. their influence on English policy, ib. occupation of Norfolk Island anticipated, 30. supposed designs on New South Wales, 30-S. instructions to La Pcrouse, 30-1. unfounded suspicions as to his movements, 31-3. no apprehension felt by Phillip, 31-2. southern coast open to French occupation, 32-C. saved by Hinders, 33. La P^rouse's neglect to explore, 33. opinion of the country. Ixx, 38 n. apprehension of French designs, 31 n. unfounded accusations, 622-5. ships visited by King and Dawes, 137. opinion of Cook*s work, ib. mappemondes, 91 and note, fictitious voyages to Terra Australis, 92 n, 671-2. translations, 669, 680, 581, 689, 601. Maupertuis, 574. his suggestion followed out by de Brosses, 675. Bougainville, 25. Marion, 25, 678. La Pcrouse, 26, 187, 269, 327, 678. D'Entrecasteaux, 174, 678. LabUlardicre, 678. P6ron, xliii, 156, 271, 359, 593. Rossel, 696. Nde, 696. Annates des Voyages, 506. Free Settlers proposal for colonimtion of New South Wales by free settlers, xlix, 1, Ivi, 6, 8, 424, 430. rejected by the Government, xlix, 10. difficulty of obtaining free settlers in early periods of colonisation, 18, 440. Phillip's opinion as to intercourse between free settlers and convicts, 40-1. first settlers sent out on his representations, 143. located at Liberty Plains, lb. conditions on which they came out, ib. Grenville's inquiries as to marines and convict h becoming settlers, 196. Phillip's views on free settlement, 40, 316, 3il-5. 328, 336, 341, 861, 865, 372. marines decline to remain, 836-7. every one anxious to leave the countrj', 501-r»-T. probable results of colonisation by Americui loyalists, 371-4. reasons for the Government policy, 374-380. some of ito results, 266, 275, 860, 885-7, 430a. Digitized by Google