Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/736

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612 ANALYTICAL Free Settlers subjected to Mme dimbilitles as the convicts, u rogardt tri«] by jur>'. 880, S99. prorision for gnuiis of land to free settlers, 487. Porneanz sailed from Adventure Bay to disoover whettier Van Diemen's Land formed part of New Hol- land, 175. explored the coast without settling the question, 174, 176.

  • ' no straits, but a very deep bay," 174<5-6.

opinion accepted by Cook, 175. and by greographers, 176. Schouten Ishind, 183. Georgre's Siyer not mentioned by Cook, xlii. explored by Phillip, 144. P^ron's description of the marshes, 850 n. Hawkesbury Phillip expects to ilnd a river, 189. expedition in search of it, 146. river discovered, 146. value of the disoovery, 147, 167. another expedition, ib. rowing: up the river, 148. fliirns of recent floods, 152. unable to trace the river to its source, 151. Journey from Rose Hill to the river, 167. crossing the river and creeks, 166-60. question whether Hawkesbiuy and Nepean one river or two, 162. settled by Tench and Dawes, 163. other expeditions, 165. CoUins's account of the discovery, 265. his opinion of the river as a site for the principal settlement, 97 n. Howe First Lord of the Admiralty, S. Matra's proposal referred to him by Sydney, ib. unfSvourable repl}', 4. island named after him, 170, 274. opinion of Phillip, 94, 495. quoted by Major Ross, 42.SA. Hunter second captain of the Sirius, 521. Commissioner of the Vice-Admiralty Court, 537. placed in charge of the Fleet while Phillip.went on in the Supply, 267. arrival at Botany Bay, lb. an active colleaifue, 181. with Phillip in boats to Port Jackson, 268. account of the trip, 135 n, 268 n. followed Phillip with the transports, 269. conversation with La P^rouse, 809. obser%-ation«i with respect to straits between New Holland and Van Diemen's Land, 184. opinion confirmed by Bass, 188. Historical Journal, 180, 252. Hunter Dawes' chart, 181. sketch of Sydney Core, 25S. of native woman and child, 181. describes the scene, 252-4. surveys Port Jackson, Botany Bay, and Broken Bay, 181. exploration of the interior, ib. with Phillip to the Hawkesbnry, 145, VSL account of the expedition, 146-53. providential escape on retuni, 168, 518. the first native census, 842 n. puts up first flagstaff and look-oat sUtioo at South Head, 182, 610. sent to the Gape for supplies, 182, S13, 329, 33S, 345, 351. account of the voyage, 814 n. narrow escape from wreck, 313. • describes Phillip at tea, 120. wrecked at Norfolk Island, 184, 200, 506-8, fill, ele^'en months there, 184. returns to England, 186. mistrusts the Dutch, 186. advocates passage round Gape Horn, lb. opinion as to native food supply, 141 n. guns of the Sirius, 182 n. Journal from 1796 to l^>00 published by Collins as second volume of his work, 257 n. Island Womsn Matra suggests that women should be obtained from the islands, 6, 426. adopted in Heads of a Plan, 434. b}- Sydney in letter to the Treasury, 4S8L and in Instructions to Phillip, 9, 486. Phillip's views before leaving Enc^oml, 49. after arrival, 338. origin and character of the propowl, 277-8. JerriB Bay discovered and named, 170. JolinMn appointed chaplain, 65 n, 520 and note, methodlst, 68. no church to preach in, ib. lett«r to Nepean, 502. Address to the Inhabitants, 683. farm at Canterbury, 520 n. return to England, lb. Johnston first lieutenant of marines, 520; promotions, 521 n. aide-de-camp, 522. adjutant of orders, 294. with Phillip on his expeditions, 144-5. undecided about settiing in the colony, SW-7. report of his trial by Oourt-nuurtial, 215 n, 506. Jndge-Advocate appointed under Act of Parllameiitt 465^ and Letters Patent, 581-4-^ Digitized by Google