- amends, in N. Y, Penn. and Mass, 478-9; alliance with liquor interests, 486; Natl. Assn. holds one day conv. in Washtn. hotel, re-elects Mrs. Wadsworth pres, makes Mrs. Lansing secy, 536; at Senate com. hearing, 1916, 548; at last surf, hearing, 1918, 577; misrepresents Pres. Wilson on Fed. Amend, 580; two members of men's assn. occupy whole day, 583; hearing continued, 584 — 589; 592; last efforts, 597; 635; hrst heard in Washtn, com. in Mass, assn. org. there, officers, Remonstrance published, 678; corns, and assns. in N. Y. and other States, Natl. Assn. formed, officers, work, headqrs, papers published, 678; Men's assns. organized, officers, various branches, work, name changed, 680; oppose Fed. Suff. Amend, in Cong, and ratif. by States; take cases to the courts, 681-2; at Rep. Natl. Conv. in 1912, 710; 1916, 711; at Dem, 712; attack Mrs. Catt and other suits, during the war, Mrs. Catt makes defense, 735 — 737.
- Arizona, Gov. Brodie vetoes om. Suff. Bill, 67; admission to Statehood, 129-30; Natl. Assn. helps suff. work, 253; gives majority ote for worn, sutf, 332; 337; 625.
- Arkansas, gives Primary sutf. to women, xxiii, 516; dele, to suff. conv. reed, by Pres. Wilson, 516.
- Armistice, effect on worn, sutf, 551.
- Armstrong, Eliza, 391.
- Arthur, Clara B, 70; 219; 337.
- Ashley, Jessie, Natl. treas. report, 315; re-elected, 324; reports $55,200 receipts for 1912, 341; 342; 372.
- Ashurst, U. S. Sen. Henry F, urges worn, suff, 380; Senate speech, 405; 626-7; speaks for Fed. Amend. 645.
- Asquith, Prime Minister Herbert H. (Gt. Brit.), 281; 331.
- Atlantic City, entertains natl. suff. conv. in 1916, 480.
- Australia, grants natl. suff. to women, 55; Mrs. Watson-Lister describes, 91.
- Avery, Rachel Foster, n; 12; testimonial to, 17; 44; on Phila. women in civic work, 65; chmn. Anthony mem. fund com, 202; tribute to Miss Anthony, 203; re-elected to Natl. Bd, 204; 216; report on natl. petit, for Fed. Suff. Amend, 258; vast work of petit, 274; resigns office, 282; urges fav. rept. on petit, 297; 540; reminis. of suff. pioneers, 569-70; 21 years cor. secy. Natl. Assn, 607; 704; has charge of natl. suff. headqrs. in Phila, 754.
- Avery, Susan Look, 328.
- Axtel, Frances C, 540.
- Babcock, Elnora M, 10; work with press, 10; 14; natl. chmn. Press Cum, gives rept, 44; 61-2; 95; wide work of natl. press dept, 131; makes last rept, efficient work, 163.
- Bacharach, Mayor Harry, presents key to Atlantic City to Mrs. Catt, 481.
- Bacon, Anna Anthony, 333.
- Bacon, Elizabeth D, 188.
- Bagley, Mrs. Frederick P, reports for natl. assn's, war com. on Americanization, 520; 560; 690; chmn. Amer. citizenship, 697; work for Americanization, 729, 732.
- Bailey, ex-U. S. Sen. Joseph W, star speaker for "antis" at last suff. hearing; women cannot perform sheriffs duties or jury or military service; have no time to vote; men can make laws for them; single standard of morals "iridescent dream"; flouts petitions from his constituents, 586 589; Mrs. Catt answers, 590; he leaves the room, 592; Texas women defeat for Governor, 589.
- Baker, Abby Scott, 718.
- Baker, La Reine, 246; 286.
- Baker, Secretary of War Newton D, addresses natl. suff. conv; the war will bring broadening of liberty to women, 532; favors Fed. Suff. Amend, 580; speaks at suff. meeting and carries message to Pres. Wilson, 724-5; tribute to Dr. Shaw and Woman's Com. Natl. Defense, 739; presents disting. service medal to Dr. Shaw, 758.
- Baker, Mrs. Newton D, 515-16; sings for natl. conv, 526.
- Baldwin, Mrs. Felix, 395.
- Balentine, Katharine Reed, 217-18; danger in women's disfranchisement, 237; 319.
- Ball, U. S. Sen. J. Heisler, 641.
- Ballantyne, Grace H, 219; 239. Baltimore, entertains natl. suff. conv, a noteworthy meeting, 151.
- Banker, Henrietta L, bequest to Natl. Assn, 130.