- Barber, Mrs. A. L, 13; receives conv, 45.
- Barker, Pres. H. S. (Ky. University), 408.
- Barkley, Edna M, 570; 669.
- Barnard College, Chair of Amer. Citizenship, mem. to Dr. Shaw, 613. Barnhart, U. S. Rep. Henry A. (Ind.), 637
- Barnum, Gertrude, says suff. movement needs working women, 165. Barrett, Kate Waller, speaks for Intl. Council; safety of the country depends on women's having a vote, 410.
- Barrett, Mrs. Seymour, 519.
- Barrows, Isabel C, 176.
- Barrows, Rev. Samuel J, 96.
- Bartol, Emma J, 208.
- Barton, Clara, at intl. suff. conv, address, 24, 25; 67; receives natl. suff. conv, 99; gives adherence to Miss Anthony, who responds, 109; at natl. suff. conv. in Baltimore, 151; pen picture of, tribute to Mrs. Stanton and Miss Anthony, wom. suff, near, 154; 208; 258; 288; Natl. Suff. Assn. endorses bill for mem. to her in Red Cross bldg. in Washtn, 502; Dr. Shaw speaks of unworthy treatment of her work, 540; at first suff. conv. in Washtn,
- Bass, Mrs. George, bef. Senate com. shows women's work in the home, schools, factories, offices, philanthropies handicapped without the ballot, 464-5; bef. House com, 472; on limited suff, 495; urges women to help finance war, 533-4; on Congressl. Com, 567; protests against "antis » use of Pres. Wilson's name, 580.
- Bates, Eleanor, 609.
- Baur, Mrs. Jacob, 687.
- Bazar, natl, in New York, 12, 13.
- Beard, Mary Ritter, 366; bef. Com. on Rules, shows small constituencies back of southern members; asks them not to abuse their power, 388; bef. House Judic. Com, demolishes State's rights argument against wom. suff; gives record of Dem. party, 430 — 432; 547; 675.
- Beck, Solicitor Genl. James M, 655.
- Bedford, Mrs. J. Claude, 490.
- Beeber, Judge Dimner, 340; 674.
- Beecher, Henry Ward, 1; 622.
- Belden, Evelyn H, 109.
- Belford, Helen, 102.
- Belgium, 243.
- Bellamy. Mary G, member Wyo. Legislature, 516; 568.
- Belmont, Mrs. Oliver H. P, offers to assist taking natl. suff. headqrs. to New York, conv. accepts and thanks, 253; maintains natl. suff. press dept, 276-7; 286; recog. of her support of press bureau, 288; 341; moves to take natl. suff. headqrs. from New York to Washtn, natl. officers oppose, 381; gives $10,000 to South. Wom. Conf, 672; 675; chmn. exec. com. Natl. Wom. Party, 677; gives it natl. headqrs, 678; contributes to Natl. Assn. headqrs, 754.
- Benedict, Crystal Eastman, 346; 366; bef. House Judic. Com, tells Dem. members their party will be held responsible for Fed. Suff. Amend; they object, 429-30; 675.
- Bennett, Belle, 288.
- Bennett, Mrs. M. Toscan, objections to Shafroth Palmer Amend, 747.
- Bennett, Sarah Clay, on Fed. Suff, 12; 45; urges a Fed. Elections Bill, 62, 65, 424; 501; 659.
- Berger, U. S. Rep. Victor L. (Wis.), wom. suff. necessary from polit. and economic standpoint; women who do the same work as men could enforce an equal wage rate, 361.
- Beveridge, U. S. Sen. Albert J, 129; 291; for wom: suff. plank in Progressive platform, 706-7.
- Bible, edicts on women are perverted by men, 222.
- Bidwell, Annie K, 150.
- Bigelow, Rev. Herbert S, 184; 207.
- Biggars, Kate L, 211.
- Bissell, Emily P, 391; 478.
- Bitting, Rev. W. C, 561.
- Bjorkman, Frances Maule, 335; report of Lit. Com, 368; 405.
- Black, Hannah, 564.
- Blackwelder, Gertrude, 198; pres. Chicago Woman's Club, receives Natl. Suff. conv, 206; 703
- Blackwell, Alice Stone, 11; 13; 21; edits Progress, 35; 44; addresses Senate Com, 48; 60; how to please editors, 62; tribute to Mrs. Hussey, 73; prepares Decl. of Principles, 87; writes of Wyo, 118; of Portland conv, 119; 133: reminis, of mother and aunts Elizabeth and Emily, 133: tribute to Miss Anthony, 134: 149; 176; presents testimony from equal suff. States to coms. of Cong. 190; 199; 202; 210;