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Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/808

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  • 244; makes "exhibit” of liquor dealers anti wom. suff. circular, 247; 249; 257; retires as rec. secy. after 20 yrs; work on Woman's Journal, conv. thanks, 260; account of expos. and suff. day in Seattle, 264-5; comment on Pres. Taft's speech to natl. suff. conv, 273; misses conv. of 1910, 280; 282; 288; offers to make Woman's Journal offic. organ of Natl. Assn; accepted, 289; edits Woman's Journal, 311; answer to Barry's article on Colo, 315; has to resume charge of Woman's Journal, 337; tribute to men, 340; refutes statements of "antis" at hearing bef. House Com. on Rules in 35 pages of fine print, complete answer, 391 — 393; 409; supports Shafroth Amend, 422; 444; presents resolutions, 460; addresses House com, 471; gives reminis. of pioneers, conv. pays tribute to her, 569; presents 14 resolutions, 574; at Anthony celebr, 615; 660; 704; defends Shafroth Palmer Amend. but criticises, 749.
  • Blackwell, Antoinette Brown, on chivalry, 33; 118; at Portland conv, 133, 138; Mrs. Catt's tribute, 139; 140; goes to Alaska, 149; 179; 188; 214; tells of early days at Oberlin Coll, 220; 278; 288; natl. cony. sends greetings, 501, 559, 610; farewell words for Mrs. Stanton, 741.
  • Blackwell, Dr. Elizabeth, 278.
  • Blackwell, Dr. Emily, 328.
  • Blackwell, Henry B, Mrs. Catt introd. to conv, refers to marriage; he urges effort for Pres. suff. for women, 12; presents resolutions, 15; tells of marriage, 33; 35; 42; reports on Pres. suff, argument for, 43; "the open door", 62; 67; 68; tribute to Deborah and the Jewish race, 69; work in Colo, 105; 118; 130; speaks against class govt; Portland Journal pays tribute, 142; plıysical vigor, 143; presents resolutions, 145-6; natl. conv. expresses appreciation, 146; 147; 148, 149; chmn. Res. Com, 179; 187; pays tribute to Miss Anthony, 203; 210; 212; 219; presents resolutions showing women's great progress, 240; at Spokane, 246; report on Pres. Suff, and resolutions, his last suff. conv, 257; 260; audience rises to greet, 261; mem. service at natl. suff. cony. of 1910; tributes of Mrs. Villard, Mrs. McCulloch, Miss Campbell, Miss Miller and Dr. Shaw, 277--280; natl. suff. conv. passes resolution of indebtedness, 569.
  • Blair, Emily Newell, writes history of Woman's Com. Council of Nati. Defense, 737, 739.
  • Blair, U. S. Sen. Henry W, 45; secures first Senate vote on wom. suff, 624.
  • Blake, Katharine Devereux, campaign work in West, 404; in N. Y, 519.
  • Blankenburg, Lucretia L, addresses Senate Com, 47; shows need of women's votes in Phila, 72-3; dele. to Berlin suff. conf, 87; 92; report on laws for women, 137; on women's Phila. civic campaign and the way they were ignored, 177; 188; 210; brings to suff. conv. greetings Genl. Fed. of Clubs, 215; report on legis. for women, 236; same, 259; greets natl. suff. conv. in Phila, 333-4.
  • Blankenburg, Mayor Rudolph, on educatl, qualif. for suff, 77; 177; welcomes natl. suff. conv. to Phila, 333.
  • Blanton, U. S. Rep. Thomas L. (Tex.), 584; presents petition for wom. suff, 588.
  • Blatch, Harriot Stanton, 81; 92; III; 220; speaks of Mrs. Stanton's clear vision, saw need of suff. for women, 222-3; working women's need of vote, 232; demonstrates out-door meetings, 286; objects to Shafroth Amend, 423; 675; at Repub. nati. convention of 1908. 703; of 1916, 711.
  • Blount, Dr. Anna E, shows women doctors' need of suff, 294; 317.
  • Blount, Lucia E, 656.
  • Bock, Annie, 391.
  • Booth, Elizabeth K, work for Pres. suff. in Ills, 370; 381.
  • Booth, Maud Ballington, addresses natl. suff. conv, 179.
  • Booth, Mrs. Sherman M, on Congressl. Com, 411-12; 414-15; card catalogues membs. of Cong, 418; at hearing, 427.
  • Borah, U. S. Sen. William E, opp. Fed. Suff. Amend, 413; effort for wom. suff. plank in Natl. Repub. platform, sro; refuses to represent his State on Fed. Amend, 598; 645; for wom. suff. plank in 1916, 709, 711.
  • Boutwell, Gov. George S. (Mass.), 146,