Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 6.djvu/914

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  • Van Sant, Gov. Samuel R. (Minn.), 317.
  • Van Winkle, Mina C, police lieut, 112; in N. J, 416; 421-2; 424.
  • Vardaman, Gov. and U. S. Sen. (Miss.), 328; 331.
  • Vermont, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, workers, see St. chapter, 651.
  • Vernon Mabel, in Del, 89, 102; Nev, 387, 304-5; 308; N. Mex, 436.
  • Vertrees, Judge John J. (Tenn.), 604-5.
  • Vessey, Gov. Robert S. (S. Dak.), 587.
  • Villard, Fanny Garrison (Mrs. Henry), in me 295; N. Y, 443, 448, 455-6;
  • Villard, Oswald Garrison, work in N. Y, 456-7; for Men's League, 484-5.
  • Vincent, Dr. George E, declares for wom. suff, 321.
  • Virginia, efforts for wom. suff, legis. action, workers, see St. chapter, 665.


  • Wadsworth, U. S. Sen. James W, opp. wom. suff. in N. H, 408; in N. Y, 455, 483, 489; in Texas, 641.
  • Wadsworth, Mrs. James W, pres. Ant-Suff. Assn, in Me, 242; Texas, 641.
  • Waite, Clara Turnbull, see Md. chapter, 262.
  • Walker, Lola, 243-4; 435; 530.
  • Walker, Speaker Seth M, telegram to N. C. Legis, 499; opp. ratific, in Tenn, 605, 623-4; goes to Washington and Conn. to opp. 625.
  • Walsh, Gov. and U. S. Sen. David I, 280; 285; 286; 300.
  • War Work of Suffragists, see record in each State chapter and Chap. XXIV, Vol. V.
  • Ward, Mrs. Humphry, in Great Brit, 726.
  • Ward, Lydia A. Coonley, 146.
  • Warner, Mrs. Leslie, 598; 600; 604; 613; 614; 619.
  • Warwick, Countess of, speaks in Wis, 702.
  • Washington, efforts for wom. suff, legis. action, campaigns, workers, see St. chapter, 673.
  • Watkins, Gertrude, 19; 22; 334; 435; 492; 530; 593.
  • Watson, Elizabeth Lowe, work in Calif, see St. chapter, 34 et seq; rep. on campaign, 38; 55; in Wis, 702.
  • Watson-Lister, Mrs. A. (Aus.), 277.
  • Watterson, Col. Henry, 208.
  • Way, Amanda, 31.
  • Weaver, U. S. Rep. Zebulon (N. C.), 493.
  • Webb, U. S. Rep. Edwin Y. (N. C.), 493.
  • Weeks, Anna Ross, 692.
  • Weeks, U. S. Sen. John W, women defeat, 300; 408.
  • Wells, Emmeline B, see Utah chap, 644 et seq.
  • Wells, Gov. Heber M. (Utah), 650.
  • West, Bina M, 313.
  • West Virginia, efforts for wom. suff, legis. action, campaigns, workers, see State chap, 687.
  • Wester, Catharine J, 608-9; 611; 615.
  • Wheeler, Mrs. Benjamin Ide, 44.
  • Wheeler, Everett P, in Md, 261; Tenn. 621.
  • Wheeler, Grace M, see Neb. chapter, 368.
  • White, Gov. Albert B. (West Va.), 696-7.
  • White, Armenia S, 400-1; 405.
  • White, Mrs. Edward F, 170;
  • White, Mrs. Lovell, 28.
  • White, Nettie Lovisa, in D. C, 106; in Denmark, 812.
  • White, Sue S, 508; 601-2; 621.
  • Whitehead, Judge Reah M, 684; digest of laws for women, 686.
  • Whitehouse, Mrs. Norman Reah, work in N. Y, see St. chapter from 460; in Switzerland, 488; R. I, 578.
  • Whitehouse, Judge Robert Treat, 237; 243.
  • Whitehouse, Ch. Justice William Penn, 243.
  • Whiteside, Frances Smith, 128; 1
  • Whitlock, Anna (Sweden), 815.
  • Whitman, Gov. Charles S. (N. Y.), 478-9; 483; 485.
  • Whitney, Charlotte Anita, work in Calif, 47; Nev, 398; Ore, 546.
  • Wickersham, George W, 483.
  • Wicksell, Anna B, work in Sweden, member mena of Nations, 780; 812; 815; 844; 857; 869; on Mandates Commission, 871.
  • Wier, Prof. Jeanne Elizabeth, 384; 386.
  • Wilbour, Charlotte B, 566.
  • Wiley, Dr. Harvey W, 654.
  • Wiley, Mrs. Harvey W, 105; 108.
  • Wilfley, U. S. Sen. Xenophon P, 358.
  • Wilhelmina, Queen, 818; 836.