Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 6.djvu/915

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  • Wilkes, Rev. Eliza Tupper, in Calif, 31; 40; in Budapest, 850.
  • Willard Mabel Caldwell, in Del, 91; Mass, 285.
  • Willams, Charl, in Tenn, 619, 620-1.
  • Williams, U. S. Sen. John Sharp, 332; 341.
  • Williams, Mary H, see Neb. chap. from 368.
  • Williams, Mrs. Richard, 444.
  • Williams, Gov. Robert L (Okla.), 528; 535; 537.
  • Willis, Gwendolen Brown, 257; 701; 706.
  • Wills, M. Frances, 27.
  • Wilson, Miss B. M, work in Nev, 387, 392, 394.
  • Wilson, Rev. Clarence True, 201; 547
  • Wilson, Mrs. Halsey W, in Del, 91-2; Fla, 117; Me, 238; Md, 265;
  • Mich, 311; N. H, 406; S. Dak, 593; Vt, 655-6, 658, 663.
  • Wilson, J. Stitt, work for suff. in Calif, 35, 48, 49; in Nev, 398.
  • Wilson, President Woodrow, urges Ala. Legis. to ratify Fed. Suff. Amend, 9, 10; urges Del. Legis, 96, 100; appoints women to office, 108, 111-12; urges Ga. Legis. to ratify, 142; same, La, 233; urges St. Suff. Amend. in Me, 241; 280; Miss. women petition, 331; to N. J. women, 422; votes for wom. suff, 425; assists N. Y, campn, 479; refers to “picketing”, 479; 493; urges ratification in N. C, 497; in Okla, 537; Pres. suff in Tenn, 604; women call on, 609; writes Sen. Shields for Fed. Amend, 613; assists ratification, 617; telegraphs Gov. Roberts for special session in Tenn, 618; Texas women appeal to for Fed. Amend, 635; urges State amend, 640; urges ratification in Va, 671; in West Va, 694.
  • Wisconsin, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, campaign, workers, see St. chapter, 699.
  • Wise, Rabbi Stephen S, for Men's League, 484; in R. I, 569; in Budapest, 858.
  • Wolcott, U. S. Sen. Josiah O, 92-3; 99.
  • Woman Citizen, natl. suff. assn. official paper, 130; 314.
  • Woman Suffrage in Many Countries, manner and time of gaining, see chapter on, 771; also on British Colonies, 752.
  • Woman Suffrage Party, in Calif, 50; Ga, 127; La, 224-226; Md, 251; Mass, 281; N. J, 418; organized in New York, 445, 460; work in city, 461 et seq; 468 et seq; org. in State, 475; 477; 1n Penn, 553; R. I, 568, 572, 577.
  • Woman's' Christian Temperance Union, work for wom. suff. referred to in each State chapter.
  • Woman's Journal, its founding, 275; 279; 285; 320.
  • Women's Political Union, work in N. J, 420, 424; in N. Y, 486.
  • Wood, Mary I, 402; 404; 406-7-8-9.
  • Wood, Judge William H, 419.
  • Woodall, Amelia R, 126; 129; 132.
  • Woods, Dr. Frances, in Ariz, 11; Okla, 521-2.
  • Works, U. S. Sen. John D, 575.
  • Worrell, Emma, 87-8; 89; 90.
  • Wright, Edna, 408; 705.
  • Wright, Harriet G. R, 60-1.
  • Wyoming, see St. chapter, 709; university confers doctor's degree on Mrs. Catt, 712.


  • Yaggy, Laura Reed, 202-3.
  • Yates, Elizabeth Upham, 242; work for wom. suff. in R. I, see St. chapter, 568; tribute to, 577.
  • Yorke, Judge Waldo M, 31; 40-1.
  • Yost, Mrs. Ellis A, work in West Va, see St. chapter, 687; 697.
  • Youmans, Theodora W, work Wis, see St. chapter, 704 et seq.
  • Young, Brigham, 645; 647.
  • Young, Clara A, 368-9; 371-2.
  • Young, Rose, in New York, 469, 473, 481.
  • Young, Virginia Durant, 579; 582.
  • Younger, Maud, 38; 45; 55; 308% Yukon Territory, grants wom. suff, 764.


  • Zueblin, Prof. Charles, 567; 660; 702.