Page:History of all religions.pdf/20

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Of Socinians.

So called from one Faustus Socinus, an Italian of Stena. They place all their religion in old condemned heresies: following their mast(illegible text) a moſt vile heretic.

Amongst other things they hold the doctrine of man's free will; and ſay, that original ſin nothing more than the power of bad example: that Jesus Christ was the best man that ever appeared in this world: and was ſent by God to correct the errors which had crept into the mo(illegible text) world, that his death was a natural incident; and that God raised him from the dead, to ſhow that our death is not eternal.

Of Antiomians

So called from two Greek words, which ſignify AGAINST and the Law: they ſprung up from one John Agricola, who affirmed, that the mor(illegible text) law was altogether needleſs, and that Chriſtians were not tied to the obſervation thereof. The ſect began about the year 1535.

Of Eraſtians.

So called from Thomas Eraftus, a phyſician of Heidelberg, in Germany, who held that the civil magiſtrate had the supreme power in church and ſtate.