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Of Jesuits

In the year 1540, this ſect aroſe in the church of Rome, and was confirmed by Pope Paul III. they were employed as miſſionaries to advance the Popiſh religion, for which purpoſe they are (illegible text) well educated in philoſophy, ſchool divinity, and many other arts and ſciences--rheir founder was one Ignatius Loyola, a Spaniſh ſoldier.

Of the Douglaſites.

They hold the hereſy of the Originiſts, and the German Anabaptiſts, viz. that not only the (illegible text)ked, but the devils themſelves, after ſuffering the torments of hell for an appointed period, shall be received into the favour of God, and be (illegible text)le for ever bleſſed and happy.

As this hereſy has been long ago condemned, I ſhall only here inſert a few anſwers, which have been given to their tenets by several eminent divines:

They are contrary to 2 Theſs. I. 7. &c. becauſe life eternal, and death eternal, are, Scripture, oppoſed to one another in the (illegible text)e ſense, Matt. xxv. 48 But life eternal in Scripture is not taken for being ſimply eternal but for being eternally happy, or to be (illegible text) bleſsed eternal ſtate and condition, Pfal. (illegible text)xiii I. Therefore eternal death must be (illegible text)a in ſcripture, not for annihilation, or being (illegible text)ed into nothing, but for an eternal, wretched and miserable ſtate.

Becauſe Abraham ſays expreſsly, in the