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The Duke de Liancourt | 21 |
New penal code | 22 |
Difficulty as to mode of beheading | 23 |
M. Duport de Tertre's letter to the Assembly | 24 |
Sanson's 'Observations on Execution by Beheading,' &c. | 25 |
Silence as to a machine | 27 |
Decree of the Assembly | 28 |
M. Louis's 'Report on the Mode of Decollation' | 28 |
Guillotin consulted by Rœderer | 31 |
His imprisonment and subsequent obscurity | 33 |
His death | 33 |
English mode of decapitation | 34 |
The Halifax Gibbet | 35 |
The Scottish Maiden | 36 |
Italian machine in 1702 | 39 |
Curious coat-of-arms | 40 |
Randle Holme's notice of ancient modes of execution | 40 |
Ancient instruments for decapitation | 41 |
Execution of de Montmorenci | 46 |
Laquiante's machine | 47 |
Estimate for constructing Louis's machine | 47 |
The Guillotine canonized | 48 |
Schmidt the inventor of the instrument adopted | 49 |
Experiments | 50 |
The Guillotine's first victim | 51 |
Its general success | 52 |
Adoption of the name | 53 |
Voltaire's description of his countrymen | 54 |
The Tenth of August | 54 |
First Revolutionary Tribunal | 55 |