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| |
First political victims of the Guillotine | 56 |
'Liste des Condamnés' | 57 |
Inaccuracy of contemporary publications | 58 |
M. Verneuil's statement | 59 |
Imprisonment of the Sansons | 60 |
Execution of Gorsas | 61 |
The massacres at the prisons | 61 |
Execution of Cazotte | 62 |
Executions for forgery | 63 |
Death of the younger Sanson | 63 |
Stations of the Guillotine | 63 |
Suppression of the Tribunal | 64 |
Probable reason for the suppression | 65 |
The Tribunal revived | 66 |
Execution of Louis XVI. | 66 |
Site of the scaffold | 67 |
The scene after the execution | 68 |
Number of victims in 1793-4 | 69 |
Execution of Charlotte Corday | 70 |
Question as to instantaneousness of death by the Guillotine | 70 |
Dr. Sue's opinion | 71 |
Story connected with the execution of Sir Everard Digby | 71 |
Opinion of Lord Bacon | 72 |
Execution of Marie Antoinette | 72 |
Statement of Mr. Alison | 72 |
Character of the Queen | 73 |
Execution of Madame Elizabeth | 73 |
Her noble conduct | 74 |
Execution of Madame Roland | 75 |
The statue of Liberty | 76 |