Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/524

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480 SPANISH HISTORY, &G. peaceable submission of five millions of people, and with the tranquil surrender of all the outposts. Not a native arm was willingly raised, in defence of those who held the supremacy of those countries for two centuries. All this requires no comment ; the Spaniards who did not directly obstruct the natural order of conquest and colonization, esta- blished a local and permanent influence ; the vi- sionary and factitious system of other European powers was in a moment subverted, when the mi- litary power was destroyed which supported it. *

  • An historical view of the Philippine Islands, by Martinez

de Zuniga. Relations des Isles Philippines, in the collection of Thevenot, Vol. I. Voyage dans les Meis de PInde, par M. Le Gentil, Tom. II.