Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/525

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CHAPTER X CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF THE PRINCIPAL EVENTS OF THE HISTORY OF THE INDIAN ARCHrPELAGO. N.B The letters C. S. J. and H. stand respectively for the Eras of Christ ^ o^ Salivana, o£Java, and of the Hegira, C. 1160. S. 108*i. H. 55Q. A Malayan colony, first from the original coun- try of that people, and latterly from Palembang in Sumatra, settles at the extremity of the Ma- layan Peninsula, under their leader, Sri Turi Buvi^ana, and founds; the city of Singhapura, A powerful king of Java repeatedly invades the territory of the new colony. C. 1195. S. 1117. H. 592. Joyoboyo, king of Doho in Java, flourishes. C. 1208. S. 1130. H. 605. Sri Turi Buwana, king of Singhapura, dies, after a reign of forty-eight years, and is succeeded by Paduka Pekaram Wira. vol. IT. n h