Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/532

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488 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE* first Mussulman sovereign. — The Javanese in num- bers frequent the island, with the double view of obtaining cloves for the market of the west, and of propagating the Mahomedan religion. The king of Ternate visits Giri in Java, in order to receive instruction in the Mahomedan religion, and on his return is killed at Biraa in a duel. Husen, a native of Java, arrives at Ternate, and becomes a principal instrument in propagating the Mahomedan religion in that island. C. 1500. S. UW. H. 906. Bayang Allah ascends the throne of Ternate, and, being a prince of talents, busies himself in civilizing his people. C. L511. S. 1433. H.917. The Portuguese conquer Malacca, and drive the king Mahomed Shah from his kingdom, on which he establishes a principality at Jehor and Bintan. ■ — They arrive at Bantam in the reign of Husen Udin, king of that country. Ibrahim, a slave of Pidir in Sumatra, is ap- pointed governor of Achin, a dependency of that kingdom, revolts, and renders himself independent. Albuquerque sends from Malacca a squadron un- der Antonio de Abreu for the discovery of the Moluccas. De Abreu touches at Amboyna only, from whence he returns with a cargo of cloves. — Francis Seran is separated from the squadron of De Abreu, and being shipwrecked on a desert