CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 489 island, is carried with his crew by the friendly natives to Amboyna, the king of which island re- ceives these insidious and dangerous guests with caresses and hospitality. C. 1512. S. 1434. H. 918. The Portuguese arrive in Celebes, in the reign of Tuni Jalu ri Pasuki, king of Goa Macassar, and are permitted by that prince to settle in the country. — They find some of the inhabitants con- verted to the Mahomedan religion. The Malays, under the celebrated Laksimana, invest Malacca ; they are defeated ; but the Ma- layan commander extricates himself with great skill. A famine takes place at Malacca, attended by an epidemic, and a truce is concluded between the Malays and Portuguese. Patiquiter, the Javanese ally of king Mahomed, is totally defeated by the Portuguese, and with his Javanese retires to his native country. C. 1513. S. 1435. H.919. Pati Unus, a chief of Japara in Java, sails against Malacca with a great fleet consisting of near three hundred sail, and is defeated near Malacca with the loss of eight thousand men and sixty of his large war gallies. — He escapes, himself, to Java with difficulty. Sultan Ahmed Shah, commonly called Aladin, (his name as hereditary prince,) ascends the throne of Jehor.