Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/545

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CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 501 tutes a seminary for religious education, afterwards approved of by the Council of Trent ; and Chris- tianity not only makes rapid progress in the Mo- luccas, but is spread to Celebes and Mindanao. Galvan, after making himself beloved to such a degree, by his great qualities, as to cause the in- habitants of the Moluccas to propose making him their king, is superseded in his government. The king of Achin besieges Malacca, and is driven from the place by a sortie of the besiegers. Paul de Gama is sent by the governor of Ma- lacca to reduce Jehor, the new residence of Ala- din, but is attacked by the celebrated Laksimana, and defeated, losing his own life, and having the greater part of his force destroyed. Don Estevan de Gama, governor of Malacca, attacks the town of Jehor, reduces and sacks it. The king of Achin again attacks the city of Malacca. C. 1540. S. 146^. H. 947. Sultan Ala ed-din Shah the Second ascends -the throne of Jehor. C. 1544. S. 1466. H. 951. George de Castro renews the scenes of iniquity transacted by the Portuguese in the Moluccas, and sends another king of Ternate prisoner to Goa. C. 1547. S. 1469. H. 954. The celebrated Saint Francis Zavier, one of the