Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/546

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502 CHRONOLOGICAL TAfiLE. companions of Ignatius de Loyola, makes his ap- pearance at Malacca, and the Portuguese ascribe to his presence the salvation of the place from a for- midable attack of the king of Achin. Oct. 18. — The king of Achin sends an army of one hundred thousand men against Malacca, with a fleet of seventy large gallies, and having in his army five hundred Turkish janissaries. Dec. 24. — The Portuguese fleet go in search of that of the king of Achin, and, attacking them in the river of Parlas in Sumatra, gain a complete vic- tory, the Achin ese losing four thousand men. C. 1549. S. 1471. H. 956. Saint Francis Zavier propagates Christianity in the Moluccas. C. 1550-51. S* 147^-73. H. 957-58. Aladin, king of Jehor, with the assistance of the neighbouring Malay princes, and the queen of Japara in Java, sends a powerful fleet and army against Malacca, which is greatly reduced by fa- mine, but at last relieved by the retreat of the confederates. The heroic and veteran Laksimana, with his son-in-law, are killed in this expedition. C. 1556. S. 1478. H. 963. Husen Shah ascends the throne of Achin. C. 1557. S. 1479. H. 964. Edward Deca, the Portuguese governor of the Moluccas, puts Aeiro, king of Ternate, in irons,