Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/553

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CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. COV C. 1600. S. 152'^. H. 1009. The Dutch visit Achin, and are perfidiously treated by the king. C. 1601. S. 1523. H. 1010. The king of Achin sends two ambassadors to Holland, one of whom dies there, but the other returns in safety. The Panambahan Senopati, prince of Mataram in Java, dies, and is succeeded by his.son, Panam- bahan Sedo Krapyak. The use of tobacco is introduced into Java. December 29th. — The Dutch, under Hermans- zen, defeat the Spanish fleet under Andrew Fur- tado de Mendoza, off Bantam. C. 1602. S. 1524. H. 1011. The English make their first appearance in the Archipelago, and reach Achin, under Sir James Lancaster, with a letter and presents from Queen Elizabeth. Don Pedro Brabo de Acuna, governor of the Philippines, The emperor of Japan sends ambassadors to the governor of the Philippines, requesting a continua- tion of the commercial intercourse between Japan and those islands, and some Spanish shipwrights. C. 160a. S. 1525. H. 1012. The English under Lancaster establish a com- merce with Bantam. The emperor of China sends an embassy to Ma.