Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/554

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510 tHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. nila, for the object, real or pretended, of ascertaiB- ing the truth respecting a report which had reach- ed him, that the port of Cavito was formed o£ gold^ The Chinese of the Philippines revolt against the Spaniards, and, after a long resistance, are ex- terminated, to the number of twenty-three thousand. I'he emperor of China sends a mission to the Philippines, to inquire into the murder of his countrymen. He is satisfied with the explanation afforded by the governor, and the commercial in- tercourse goes on on the old footing. C. 1004. S. 15*16. H. 101e3. Ali MaghayatiShah ascends the throne of Achin> after imprisoning his father. C. 1605. S. 15SJ7. H. 1014. The Panambahan Krapyak, prince of Mataram in Java, suppresses the rebellion of his brother, the Pangeran of Pugar, by defeating him, and taking him prisoner. Datu ri Bandang, a native of the Malayan king- dom of Menangkabao, converts the kings of Goa and Talio in Celebes, by whose influence the Maho- medan religion is accepted by all the Macassar > states. C. 1606. S. 15^8. H. 1015. The Macassars force the |)eopie of Boni, and the Waju nations, to adopt the Mahomedan resigion., Martin Alfonzo, a Portuguese commander, at- tacks Achin, and is beaten off.