Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/579

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CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 5S5 and Palembang, presenting elephants to the Susu- nan. Sultan Mahomed Shah the Fourth ascends the throne of Jehor. C. 1683. J. 1606. H. 1092. Various sharp actions are fought between the Dutch and the party of the old sultan of Bantam, in which the former are victorious. The ex-king of Bantam is taken captive, and im- prisoned for life. The king of Bantam grants to the Dutch the exclusive trade in pepper, and the monopoly of the sale of cotton goods in his dominions, and expels the Danes and English who had taken part with his father. Shekh Yusuf, a Balinese slave, raises a rebellion in Bantam, is taken and banished to the Cape of Good Hope. The rebellion of Surapati commences by the flight of that person, a native of Bail, and the slave of a Dutch citizen of Batavia. He takes refuge with the Susunan, who receives him favourably. C. 1684. J. 1607. H. 1093. The impostor Kyayi Agung Gring raises a re- bellion in Mataram. — A total eclipse of the sun is observed at that place. The English send an embassy from Madras to