Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/580

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536 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. Achin, requesting permission to build a factory, which is peremptorily refused, August ^4. — Don Gabriel Curuzalegui, gover- nor of the Philippines. Jan Canphuis, governor-general of the Dutch Indies. C. 1685. J. 1608. H. 1094. June ^25, — The P^nglish establish their settle- ment at Bencoolen in Sumatra. Panambahan Kajoran, father-in-law to Truna Jaya, raises a rebellion, which is not suppressed without difficulty. C. .1686. J. 1609. H. 1095. The Seur Tak is sent by the Dutch as ambas- sador to the court of Mataram, to demand the head of Surapati, when he and his suite are mas- sacred by the latter and his followers, with the con- nivance of the Susunan. C. 1687. J. 1610. H. 1096. Surapati retreats to the eastern end of the island of Java, and establishes an independent principa- lity over twenty one districts. The Dutch, on the call of the king of Bantam, attack Succadana in Borneo, said to be a depend- ency of Bantam, and conquer it, making the English who are found there prisoners. C. 1688. J. 1611. H. 1097. A nayet Shah, queen of Achin, dies, and is succeed- ed by another queen, whose name is not mentioned.