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Page:Home-Made Toys for Girls and Boys (Hall).djvu/111

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in alternate rings with black ink or water-color, in the way shown, then cut out the disk, pierce a hole through its exact center to fit over the pencil end, and glue the under side to the top of the cone-shaped piece of spool. Spin this top in the same way as the shoe-polish can top is spun (Fig. 125).

A Merry-go-round Top (Fig. 132) is a new idea easily carried out. You will require a cardboard disk 12 inches

Fig. 132.—A Merry-go-round Top.
Fig. 132.—A Merry-go-round Top.

Fig. 132.—A Merry-go-round Top.

in diameter, three spools, a pencil, and some light-weight cardboard.

Figure 133 shows the details for this top. If you haven't a compass, use a large-sized dinner plate with which to draw the circumference of the disk (A). Then cut a conical-shaped piece of spool (B), stick the lead-pencil through it for a spinning point (C), punch a hole through the disk to fit over the pencil, and tack the disk to B. Cut