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Page:Home-Made Toys for Girls and Boys (Hall).djvu/112

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off a third of the length of a ribbon spool for E, and fasten another spool (D) to the top of the pencil. Spool D should be glued fast to the pencil, and the spool-end E should turn loosely upon it. Coat the lower part of the pencil with glue so it will stick fast in B.

Fig. 133.—Detail of Merry-go-round Top.
Fig. 133.—Detail of Merry-go-round Top.

Fig. 133.—Detail of Merry-go-round Top.

How the Top Spins. When you have made this much of the top, spin it to see how it works. Wrap the spinning cord—a strong lightweight wrapping-twine—about spool D, in the same manner that you wind the cord on any top; then, holding spool end E with the left hand (Fig. 132), pull steadily upon the cord with the right hand until all is unwound, and gently drop the top upon its spinning point. To get the best results, the cardboard used for the disk platform must be very straight. If it warps, flatten it by pressing it under a pile of books.

Fig. 134.—How Horses are Mounted upon Top Platform.
Fig. 134.—How Horses are Mounted upon Top Platform.

Fig. 134.—How Horses are Mounted upon Top Platform.

Horses and Riders for the merry-