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Page:Home-Made Toys for Girls and Boys (Hall).djvu/162

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Home-made electrical toys of a light construction are easily operated by a toy motor, when the motor and battery cell are not carried by the toy; but when both are transported, as in the case of a wagon, the construction must be very carefully worked out, or the motor will not be powerful enough to drive the wheels.

The Toy Electric Motor Truck shown in Fig. 199 is of

Fig. 199.—A Toy Electric Motor Truck.
Fig. 199.—A Toy Electric Motor Truck.

Fig. 199.—A Toy Electric Motor Truck.

light construction, the axle bearings produce very little friction, and the battery is light and of a powerful type.

Get an oblong shaped cigar-box for the bed and sides of the truck, several large thread spools for wheels and pulleys, two small silk-thread spools, four lead-pencils, or sticks whittled perfectly round and ¼ inch in diameter, for axles,