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Page:Home-Made Toys for Girls and Boys (Hall).djvu/163

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belt-shaft, and steering-wheel post, and six screw-eyes 5/16 inch in diameter for the bearings.

First, place the cigar-box in a wash-boiler or wash-tub of hot water, and allow it to remain there until the paper labels have soaked off or loosened sufficiently so they can be scraped off with a knife.

Then, after the box has thoroughly dried, cut the two

Fig. 200.—Top view of Electric Motor Truck.
Fig. 200.—Top view of Electric Motor Truck.

Fig. 200.—Top view of Electric Motor Truck.

strips A (Fig. 208), and fasten them to the bottom, one at each side. Screw the screw-eye axle bearings into these strips. Place them at equal distances from the ends of the strips.

The Wheels are made from the flange ends of the large spools. Figure 202 shows the front pencil axle. Slip the center portion of one of the large spools on to this for a