strip of wood to the roof and third floor, just inside of it. The rear gable is made in one piece, and is fastened in place permanently.
The movable gable and all hinged portions should have
Fig. 233.—The Front Gable-End.
Spring-Catches with which to shut up and lock the house (see the illustrations).
The Stairway is shown in Fig. 228, and the details for its construction will be found in Figs. 234, 235, 236, 237. This stairway is made in two parts, with a platform between. Cut a block of wood the shape and size shown in Fig. 234 for the platform, with notches at A and B for the tops of the lower stringers to fit in. Then
Prepare Two Stringers of thirteen steps similar to Fig. 235, and two stringers of five steps similar to Fig. 236, laying off the steps by means of a cardboard pattern, or pitch-board, of the size shown in Fig. 237. After cutting out these pieces, fasten the tops of the lower stringers in the notches A and B in the platform, and nail the platform in its proper position in