Strings and cotton and chicken
feathers for the birds'
nestings Frontis
Suet and doughnuts for downy, PAGE
corn for the cardinal,
cereal for the song sparrow v
Goldfinch feeding babies vi
"Oh, where is Mother?" viii
The basin on the porch railing 1
They were making that can
into a bird home 4
The baby robins 9
One winter day a pigeon came
in at an open window 10
Vacant lots attract birds 11
The winter birds like peanuts
and suet 13
When I did not have peanuts
I gave the nuthatch doughnuts 14
The dear happy chickadee 17
The selfish nuthatch 20
Cats belong on their own
premises 21
The basin was Bunny's looking
glass 22
The genial gray squirrel 27
The return of the bluebird 28
Sometimes she was just gliding
through the entrance as he
alighted on the housetop
with a choice morsel for
her 31
Bluebird babies to feed and
care for 33
The bluebirds moved into the
pretty double house 34
Rented for the summer 36
The small wren house in the
pear tree 39
A baby wren on the window sill 43
Bluebirds are great helpers in a
garden 44
Baby flicker peeps at the outside
world 49
Mrs. Wood Thrush on her nest 51
A killdeer's nest in a potato
field 53
The bluebirds in their primitive
home 55
Every little while a goldfinch
came to the "store" tree
and got some string 57
The chimney swifts' temporary
home 60
The flicker is also called golden-winged
woodpecker 61
Chimney swifts' nest 62
One of these Swift babies was
put to rest in the nest,
but he did not stay there
long 63
A robin's nest 68
Near the nest tree was a big
stone which the redheaded
woodpecker used as a
perch 74
Each little goldfinch called as
loud as he could 76
A young goldfinch alighted on
the clothes line 77
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