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Page:How to have bird neighbors (IA howtohavebirdnei00patt).pdf/16

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This martin scout brought a
lady with him 78

The martins' aircastle 81

The home-coming of the martins 87

A great gathering in mid-air 91

A bath for birds and a lunch
beside it 92

The crested flycatcher and a
Berlepsch house 95

Kitty watching for mice 98

The new food house was visited
by bluejays 100

A feedery much liked by downy 101

A tree trimmed with peanuts
for the birds 102

The cardinal's favorite feedery 105

Always Mr. Cardinal came
first and ate a while; then
she would follow 109

Song sparrow 110

Mother Oriole in the bath 113

So made that they can be
easily opened after use and
cleaned 116

Food house, made out of waste
materials 118

Maybe they will fly to us,
instead of away from us 121

The birdies' policeman 122

The finished martin house 128

Raising the martin house 128