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Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1013

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Note.—The indexed word is usually found in the phrase, indicated by its initial letter. When not found there it is to be understood that the phrase begins with the indexed word.

In general old spelling is not followed, but all words will be found under the correct form. This is the case with dialect, save when the spelling is so well known that the searcher would otherwise be misled. As the space allowed is often not adequate for a full phrase, unimportant words are omitted in order to convey the idea, although no word is changed.

The small black-faced figures that follow the page numbers indicate the numerical order of the quotation on the page.

Abandon—hope who enter. 375 23
Abatement—into a.and low price. 479 25
Abatements—and delays as many. 96 5
Abbey—buried in the great a. 118 14
Abbot—Bishop, a. and Prior. 403 1
mad a. of misrule. 520 2
Abbots—slumber a. purple. 664 12
Abbotts—Adamses snub the A. 801 26
A. B. C—their A. B. C. he made. 241 17
Abdallah—ye say A.'s dead 164 1
Abdicate—it in the greatest 892 4
Abdiel—seraph A. faithful 271 14
Abed—lay a. till the cows 145 7
Abeilles—pillotent deca 599 10
Abgeglättet—wenn sie a. sind 2 4
Abhor—yea from my soul 410 20
Abhorred—further than seen 1 2
to ensuing age a 812 1
Abhorrent—he would a. turn 917 4
Abhorring—blow me into a 129 26
find no a. in my 36 10
Abibis—qua? nunc a. in loca 737 11
Abide—oft he that doth a 843 14
there he would a 674 14
Abidest—there thou a 21 6
Abi-ezer—vintage of A 336 3
Abiit—ad plure 229 16
Abilities—are repressed 621 9
learn the limits of our a 1 16
suited to your a 49 3
various executive a 612 7
within the scope of his a 1 17
Ability—an a. to improve 752 16
instinct is untaught a 397 14
know much about his a 493 21
that they never perform 479 22
to do without it 301 24
to investigate 400 12
see also Ability pp. 1,2
Ablme-tout plutdt 118 2
Abiturus—priores abierunt 517 17
Abject—in slavish parts 716 8
how a., how august 493 5
pleasure of a. mind 891 1
Able—for thine enemy 646 17
idea of being a 711 13
they think they are a 2 10
to five with a. men 757 22
Ablution—poor that lack a 621 27
Abner—smote him under 728 11
Abnuerit—pudicitia alia a 108 24
Abode—barren waste his lone a 427 1
English make it their a 617 2
From their dread a 107 7
gods and their tranquil a 323 6
of thy beautiful a 84 19
some sacred safe a 401 16
to what a. they go 421 1
wealth nor blest a 121 13
wherever he chooses his a 587 3
Abodes—aiming at bless'd a 632 16
of happy millions 592 6
remembers its august a 567 14
Abolere—edax a. vetustus 389 13
Abolition—of the wrong. 724 7
Abomination—of desolation. v 189 24

Abou Ben Adhem—may his tribe. 839 14
Above—all a. is grace 99 8
but 'tis not so a 433 10
far a. the rest 460 26
I hate to go a. you 483 17
know of what they do a 361 26
they that are a. have ends 643 28
unless a. himself he can 345 7
what the Blessed do a 27 8
Abra—was ready ere I called 132 20
Abraham—bosom of A 305 4
lives in A's bosom 359 19
old A. lies 232 11
vivit in sinu A 359 19
we are coming Father A 726 14
Abram—O father A 115 21
Abram Brown—is dead and gone 32 5
Abreast—keep a. of truth 635 13
where one but goes a 374 26
Abroad—come flying all a 353 24
never stirs a 107 20
they purchase great 825 16
Absence—eek in her a 583 16
is not a. death 52 12
of my Nath. doth breede 506 6
pangs of a. to remove 618 10
thy a. more than 298 20
see also Absence pp. 2, 3
Absent—claim a sigh 299 9
, 507 11
he hurts the a. who 207 3
loved ones, now far a 628 16
ones I supplicate 82 17
see also Absence pp. 2, 3
Absentem—lasdit cum ebrio 207 3
Absent!—nemo me nacuisse 3 3
Absicht—die A. so klar ist 3 19
Absolute—be a. for death 177 8
he that is a. can do 331 2
I would be a. who but I 331 2
Absolution—begged for an a 704 9
Absolved—him with an axe 328 14
how soon a 147 13
Absolvi—accusari . . . quam a. 432 3
Absolvitur—nemo nocens a 346 1
Abstain—from beans 613 1
that we may enjoy 214 6
thou shalt a 784 17
Abstains—he that a. and he 783 26
Abstemiousness—guiltless a 122 8
Abstenir—l'a. pour jouir 214 6
Abstinence—defensive virtue a 196 13
is as easy to me 784 4
is whereby man ref raineth 784 2
pay my vows to a 877 7
Abstraction—Astronomers in a 46 1
Abstractionists—they are a 756 24
Abstruse—and mystic thoughts. 741 21
most of all the a 435 7
questions have a. answers 741 17
Absurd—all written hitherto 736 22
believe because it is a 390 16
Absurdite—est une a 438 12
Absurdum—credo quia a 390 16
Abundance—fair a. thund'ring 877 10
have a. enjoy it not 292 10
he shall have a 616 6
midst a. died 517 18

of superfluous breath 778 10
out of a. of the heart 743 3
poor in a 195 23
pours a. o'er flowing fields 353 13
riotous with her a 784 7
Abuse—fling at some a 365 7
he bore without a 310 26
know whom they a 152 3
not talent to a 690 9
one should not a. it 561 14
Abused—good things a 23 11
still by himself a 491 9
Abuses—make not thy sport a. 404 23
reform is corrector of a 672 25
spy into a 404 11
the world condones 79 8
Abyss—cares into what a 659 25
into this wild a 546 9
must tempt the dark a 422 20
one a. where life 710 2
of radiance 796 17
what a. of fears 131 1
whatever is in the a 317 4
Acacia—would not shake 281 20
Acacias—having drunk the lees 812 12
see also Acacia p. 3
Academe—olive grove of a 569 1
Academus—green retreats of a 434 26
Academy—Frenchman in the A. 662 22
Accenderit—cum ille a 364 13
Accent—is the soul of 426 14
l'a. du pays où l'on 426 10
l'a. est l'âme du 426 14
low in blandishment 871 4
oath with a swaggering a 774 10
of Christians 5 21
of one's country 426 10
tuned in self-same 143 24
Accents—and a. yet unknown 306 1
hear 'st thou a. of despair 625 16
its resistless a. flows 395 15
their a. firm 144 6
wandering in broken a 797 21
with th' a. that are ours 426 4
Acceptance—news, worthy of a 553 8
Accepted—now is the a. time 793 15
Accepting—charms by a 893 6
Acceptissuna—semper munera 312 18
Accerima—proximorum odia 355 7
Accident—had befallen him 915 13
an a. of fortune 559 17
by wondrous a 293 2
moved by chance and a 120 20
not a property 256 17
the passing a 147 4
to thy place by a 191 26
unthought—on a. is guilty. 93 2
see also Accident pp. 3,4
Accidental—concourse of atoms 120 14
nothing under the sun a 3 19
nothing with God can be a 4 1
thy sins not a 712 2
Accidents—sangue nobile un a 559 17
Accidently—determined to some. 309 7
Accidents—are hands, are a 96 5
exceeding all others a 268 12
often befall from kissing 418 12