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see also Accident pp. 3, 4 Accident — quam natua sis a. . . .420 19 Accio — idem A. quod Titio jus.. .329 7 Accipit — statium dum a 337 5 Accipiter — saucia facta tuis 268 16 Accipiterque — suspectos laqueos.771 12 Accipiundis — dandis quam a.. . , .416 7 Acchnis— falsis animus 514 14 Accommodate — to a. the fair .... 304 14 want to a. 'em 649 16 Accommodating — an a. vice 837 12 Accommoder—Tes ceufs 294 3 Accompanied — with noble tho'tfl. 789 23 Accomplish — overcautious a. little 8 13 Accomplished — acme of things a..493 2 Accomplishment — no material a.. 592 19 wanting the a. of verse 604 21 Accord — Christian-like a 115 20 look made all of sweet a 839 14 mettez vous flfttes d'a 538 8 put your flutes in a 538 8 Accords — deep mysterious a 658 12 Account — be taken into a 99 10 beggarly a. of empty boxes 6 6 consider him of no a 667 15 existence closing your a 449 15 good a. at last 112 21 maketh no a. of any 100 23 sent to my a 176 6 to render at my death 699 2 unto a strict a 439 20 with heaven t . 264 13 Accountability — for Buch* acts 842 17 hold to strict a 842 17 Accountable — for its exercise .... 817 18 to none 134 14 t 738 9 Accounting — sad a. day 288 lo Accounts — draw the a. of evil 130 9 make thy a. agree 696 10 many times brought my a 372 9 Accursed — no one so a. by fate. . . 263 9 time most a 920 26 Accusals — who begin a 899 16 Accusari — non a. tutius est 432 3 Accusation — also a false a 98 17 make false a. blush 396 3 Accuse — qui s'excuse, s'a 266 12 that do a. me 411 3 Accused — bad man not a 432 3 to persons who are a 431 8 with which he was a 430 17 Accuses — who excuses himself, a.. 266 9 Accustomed — afflictions we are a. 12 9 what they are a. to 657 8 Aceldama — black a. of sorrow. . . . 807 10 Acerbam — nihil tarn a. est 584 6 Acerbum — semper a. habeo 325 1 aed ut a. est 195 7 ut a. est, pro benefactis 240 16 Acervo — addit a. quern stmit 30 14 Acervus — de multis grandis a 815 22 Achaians— to the battle A 584 27 Achates— faithful A 300 19 fidus Achates. J 300 19 Ache — charm a. with air 342 16 head did but a 416 10 the a. my body knows 519 19 Ached — brows have a. for it 820 22 Acheron — greedy A. does not 174 18 food of A 339 10 l'avare A. ne lache 174 18 sootyftagofA 275 3 straight is the way to A 361 24 Acheronta — superos, A. morebo. .623 25 Acheruntis — populum A 339 10 prsceps A. agundus 363 5 Achieve — his scheme 202 16 hand that follows . . . can a. . 398 6 hope to a. it 20 22

shall a. in time 650 15 

some a. greatness 341 21 Achievements — my a. mock me. . 8 24 Achiever — brings home numbers .833 11 Achieving — Btilla. still pursuing.. 7 17 Achilles — absent was A. still 2 16 name A. assumed 182 9 see great A 389 22 Aching — left an a. void 506 20 that love's a. stills 554 23 void left a. in the soul 738 14 Achivi— plectuntur a 684 6 Acis — found out in Sioily 494 21 Acker — mein A. ist die ueit 794 18 Acknowledged — imxnemorially a.. 817 10 Acme — of things accomplished . . . 493 2 Acompafiados— y paniguados 283 8 Acorn — lofty oak from small a. . . . 344 7 thousand forests in one a 489 6 A corns — tall oaks from little a.. . . 573 4 than hogs eat a 460 8 were good till bread ...*. 210 10 Acqua — nell'a. il foco 93 8 Acquaint—thyself with God... . .316 12 Acquaintance— auld a. be forgot. 301 6 decrease it on better a 499 16 promoter of mutual a 617 12 slender a. with the world 9 3 visiting a. with 25 10 Acquaintances — accepted as a 79 3 does not make new a 302 10 Acquaints— misery a. a man 518 14 Acquiring — intent on a. more 892 3 Aajuiritr-viresque a. eundo 329 22 Acquisition — of peace 844 14 annual a. of intelligence 86 7 Acquitted — not accused than a. .432 3 the guilty is a 148 21, 434 10 Acre — burial ground God's a 338 22 field and a. of our God 338 23 sown with royal seed 340 2 Acres — hath ten thousand a 16 2 over whose a. walk'd 115 2 three a. and a cow 18 2 Acrimony — better than a 674 2 Acriora — nam licet a. sint 573 12 Acrius — quam pecuniae damnum. 523 6 quod non licet a 601 9 Acrobat — climbs like airy a 867 6 Act — and will a. as one 828 3 brave men would a 259 22 do a. the parts 913 8 each a. a course 4 14 extremity out of a 584 15 feels with the a 665 is how they ought to a 668 24 is as an ancient tale 329 17 lives not to a. another 414 25 none may feel ashamed 82 17 not an outward a 711 24 observe how others a 422 21 of settlement 613 2 or enjoyment good itself 663 8 power on thine own a 739 12 right thus to a 675 1 single in responsible a 887 4 sow an a. and reap a habit 347 9 they a. in trust 817 11 think himself an a. of God 487 18 third a. of the eternal 52 6 thyself shalt see the a 414 27 to a. in safety 881 7 we count the a. of men 632 3 well your part 374 6 when in a. they cease 601 12 with which he was accused 430 17 without deliberation 647 6 with vigor in what they ought. 184 14 see also Action pp. 6-9 Acta — deos numquam 186 11 quam bene a. sit 452 13 Acted — lofty scene be a. over 306 1 recognized God and a 664 9 strongly a. upon by what 98 3 well she a. all and every. 98 3 Acteurs — hommes que les a 912 3 Acting— between the a. of 149 17 by the people 332 11 in certain manner 675 l not in a. lies 659 2 upon human experience 431 23 when he was off he was a 4 17 Action — and counteraction 610 22 belief no less than a 420 16 derive his rule of a 208 4 fairest a. of human life 288 7 first part of oratory, a 573 13 GloryofA 161 3 how the a. veered 855 12 in a. faithful 753 7 in a. how like an angel 491 26 in the tented field 744 7 Justice is truth in a 414 1 iee in his true nature 433 10 long-during a. tires 911 6 lose the name of a 137 11 make hours Beem short 799 12 merit only be in a. 589 24 never be compared with a. 789 27 no noble a. done 161 6 of the will 758 18 place bliss in a 73 3 shed in doing a good a 773 20 small room for a 191 26 some place bliss in a. 436 10 sow an a. reap a habit 347 3 spheres of a 753 2 suit the a. to the word 5 20 surfeit out of a 587 7 sustaining power of great a. . . . 105 3 that a. best which procures 351 11 the meanc of a 309 10 to restless a. spurs our. 487 9 train of a. through the day. . 696 14 vice by a. dignified 838 19 wisest in a 223 8 with ridiculous and awkward a. 53 16 see also Action pp. 6-9 Actions — are our epochs 793 2 all his thoughts and a 432 14 and words all of a colour 881 1 are their eloquence 490 16 fame the echo of a 257 6 God in all their a 896 9 les belles a. cachees '..... 186 12 mark our a. good or bad 745 16 my a. are my ministers' 685 12 noble a. characterize 559 17 not creeds but men's a. 186 2 of the past 15 6 reasons make strong a. 659 13 take their springs 315 17 that a tttrti might play. 533 12 use of a. fair. 154 23 see also Action pp. 6-9 Actis — aevum implet 186 7 Active — yet resigned 103 7 than an a. ignorance 385 18 Activity — flourishes by its a. 688 19 happiness consists in a 361 6 new spheres of pure a. 7 1 Actor — a well-grac'd a 6 3 condemn fault not a 266 24 he is manager, a 4 18 like a dull a 5 13 must perform with art 449 18 Actor-man — Tom Goodwin an a. 5 10 Actors— do with a. fill 914 2 in which poets and a. 406 20 language the a. spoke 662 22 were all spirits 840 1 Actress — that was an a. here 362 20 Acts — being seven ages 1613 extravagantly good 373 16 feels noblest a. the best 441 6 four first A. already past 634 18 from a. we them derive 374 13 have high a. in view 259 22 his own creations 315 22 in a. exemplarie 185 9 of a. in contravention 849 4 of dear benevolence. 827 18 of energetic master 825 6 of naval authorities. 842 17 of to-day become. 806 12 second to some sphere 491 7 series of unconnected a. 631 22 speak freely of our a. 234 8 unremembered a 416 14 who a. on that principle. 372 13 wilful a. and aggressions 860 4 worth his a. commend 100 12 see also Action pp. 6-0 Adage — must be verified 65 11 Adam— A.'s crystal ale. 802 10 A.'s first wife, Lilith 893 22 all from A. first began 25 6 all that A. had left him 499 17 cup of cold A 862 11 d'A. nous pommes. 24 8 descendit of A. and Eve. 233 3 drink of A.'s ale 863 4 in A.'s ear so charming. 840 16 in A.'s fall we sinned all 711 10 in garden talked with God 744 19 gardener A. and his wife 25 16 mankind from A 890 2 old A. in these persons 660 13 our father A. tilled 24 11 our grandsire, A 892 20 out of the side of A 890 6 penalty of A 878 2 soars up the A. from fall 76 10