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Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1022

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ANTICIPATE APRIL Anticipate-the relish.. 30 IS to a. misfortunes. 519 10 Anticipates-many evils 269 23 Anticipation-stolen by a 599 14 untimely a 649 12 Antidote-my bane and a 190 18 knowledge is a. to fear 421 6 should be changed 78 6 sweet oblivious a 503 27 Antidotes-his a. are poison 504 5 Antipathy-of good to bad 91 17 Antipodes-day with the A 799 10 Antiqua-O domus a 24 6 Antiquaries-pale A. pore 31 2 Antiquated-has become a 31 6 Antique-being true a. I bought . . 31 3 dust on a. time .' 154 21 Antiquities-he is fond of 657 20 Antiquity-appears to have begun.583 2 a little akill in a 663 6 noblest names of a 860 11 nor author that makes 818 16 was young when thou 568 6 ways of hoar a 31 6 what is it else but man's 30 20 write for A 49 19 Antonio-violins without A 536 17 Antoninus-reign of A. marked. . .367 19 Antony-our courteous A 57 6 Antres-vast and deserts 810 16 Ants-never sleep 30 13 do not bend tiieir ways 621 18 entombed and preserved 282 13 Anulus-consumetur a. usu. . ...... 8 6 Anvil-be a. or hammer . . . 101 9, 262 16 hammered to the a.'s chime ... 71 8 iron did on the a. cool 71 13 on sounding a. Bhaped 447 17 playing an a. chorus 570 22 the other the a 843 6 work twenty times on the a. . .907 19 AnvilB-^with a different note 71 10 Anxieties-removes disturbing a. . .866 1 sharing griefs and a 301 12 weak a. of age 14 17 Anxiety-mingled with joy 601 11 worth deep a 217 17 Anxious-mind a. about future . . . 305 23 Anxius-animus futuri a 305 23 Anything-love indeed is a 474 8 made of a. he finds at hand 341 1 whereof it may be said 561 22 Anythingarian-he is an A 665 2 Anywhere-tramped the road to a . 39 1 6 Apart-drift once again a 504 18 every one a. 476 19 man dwells a. though not 490 2 of man's life a thing a 466 9 thousands of miles a 505 2 whole wide world a 265 3 world-wide a. and yet 776 4 Apartments-in their souls 97 14 Ape-an a. in the days 241 19 airs of thy young sisters 562 9 l'a. e la serpe 126 16 like an angry a 47 9 man an a. or an angel 26 10 sleep, thou a. of death 719 24 Apella-credat Indseus A 66 13 Jew A. may believe 66 13 Apennines-Popish A 29 9 Aper-sape tenetur a 623 4 Apercebido-hombre a. medio 635 4 Apes-and ivory 538 16 are apes though clothed in 32 16 may lead a. in hell forever 496 19 pride that a. humility 380 20 slaves that a. would beat 145 24 vobis mellificatis a 599 21 Aphrodite-daughter of Jove, A.. .322 24 Here comes Pallas and A 324 17 Aphorism-meaning to that a 673 18 Apie-anser, a., vitellus 592 16 Apocalyptique-secret a 450 21 Apollo-A.'s Pythian treasures... .446 6 arcum tendit A 322 18 call A. a fancy piece 694 6 flavus A. pocula 323 14 golden-haired A 323 14 Has peeped through 829 3 in fealty to A. hold 607 6 keep his bow 322 18 like A. he came forth 701 8 mounts his golden seat 769 12 musical as A.'s lute 596 19 Pallas, Jove and Mars 116 14 plays and twenty caged 540 4 remembered A.'s summer look. 184 6 swan dedicated to A 772 19 to desks A.'s sons repair 540 11 whom A. sometimes visited — 234 18 young A., golden haired 922 17 Apollos- watered, but God gave. .316 8 Apology-too prompt 251 13 Apoloni-cignoni A. dicati 772 19 Apoplexy-and Lethargie 196 8 is a kind of lethargy 196 22 Apostles-and his A. twelve 629 22 his champions are the, a 368 20 she, while a. shrank 886 23 would have done as they did. . . 130 8 Apostolic-blows and knocks 197 22 Apothecaries-modern 'p. taught.. 503 12 Apothecary-do remember an a. . . 504 3 expires in the arms of an a 334 18 see a. in same paper 407 3 Appalled-nature a. shakes off 337 16 Apparel-proclaims the man 33 6 fashion wears out more a 261 22 men their best a. do 883 11 white a. blown 122 21 with thy best a. on 91 3 Apparelled-like the spring 33 6 when well a'd April 38 18 Apparencea-y font de mal 820 7 les a. de merite 510 24 Apparere-non tibi illud a 616 10 Apparition-lovely a. sent 897 19 tall and ghastly. 33 22 Apparitions-are only a 36 6 like a. seen and gone 409 20 tho usand blushing a 74 16 which are and are not 793 fi Appeal-I a. unto Caesar 47 1 mute a. to sympathy 51 18 no a. from ballot to bullet 589 8 no court of a. against 411 11 to Philip sober 206 8 Appear-a thing of comfort 456 27 easier to a. worthy 919 23 great before their valets 366 12 how foul must thou a 346 6 I am what la 34 23 let that a. when 436 17 like a fool but be wise 761 1 neither rich, pretty 228 3 wish not to a. more 626 17 Appearance-first a. deceives 35 24 gold gives an a. of beauty 620 9 of care is contrary. 749 6 of it does evil 820 7 of not hearing it 646 16 rewards a. of merit 510 24 than a. of (actions) 532 7 thou hast a grim a 251 24 Appearances-charmed by false a. 514 14 see also Appearances pp. 34-36 Appearest-no smile till thou a. . .567 6 Appears-greatest love of life a. . .454 10 Appease-and thee a 414 13 recollections it would a 540 13 Appeased-if God be a 668 13 Appellation-entitled to the a 303 21 Appelle-J'a. un chat un chat. 541 12 Appellentur-alii ne a 650 4 Appetens-alieni a 144 26 Appetite-digest words with a — 885 8 mastery of a , 881 1 may sicken and so die 540 8 of thy memory spoil 506 23 stirr'd in me sudden a 304 1 supplies fresh a 515 16 waste my a 213 4 well governed, wise a 327 26 with same healthful a 77 4 see also Appetite p. 36 Appetites-as apt to change 488 28 Appiani-o gran tumor m a 741 17 Applaud-attendants loudly a 220 1 contented to a. myself 865 13 I a. myself at home 522 22 that should a. again 504 1 thee to the very echo. 504 1 Applauding-Iauding and a 209 21 Applause-in spite of trivial 151 16 i'oy, pleasance, revel and a 399 16 ive in a. of mankind 576 16 meed of popular a 614 13 merit people's a 604 4 not pardon but a 151 18 of the world's a 215 26 proprietor of just a 51 11 seeks not popular a 82 12 the a! delight! 701 10 will a., hence will profit 784 l see also Applause p. 37 Apple-a Dead Sea a 895 17 art thou the topmost a 37 12 eat your service like a 699 6 fly in the heart of an a 500 10 glean the a. from the pine 304 10 got the a. in? 139 17 into blossom burst 557 20 like the sweet a 37 19 only one a. had she 651 8 pares his a. that will 211 24 rosy and round as an a 133 22 rotten at the heart 486 27 the a. of his eye 247 11 when you've got an a 37 13 town was white with a. blooms..747 11 see also Apple p. 37 Apple-blossoms-see p. 38 Apple-cheeked-bevy of Eroses a.. 324 16 Apple-Dumplings-did a. sew 139 17 Apples-bend with a 52 6 before green a. blush 764 19 bloom of those sciential a 440 3 burned among the 52 7 like a. of gold 905 23 shrivel them like old a 196. 7 since Eve ate a 210 19 small choice in rotten a 113 28 stolen be your a. 786 13 Syrian a 210 9 throw brown a 52 10 toes about her flower-a 678 11 Apple-tart-carv'd like an a 777 6 to eat with a 145 6 Apple-tree-from the a. fall 37 16 branch of mossy a 694 19 its famous a 22 17 my heart is like an a. 359 3 plant with the a 37 10 whispers to the room 75 14 Apple-trees-old a. that linger. ... 37 16 will never get across 615 13 Applianee-by desperate a. 196 21 which disease requires 784 11 Application-by proper a 761 10 justness in its a 756 24 lays in the a. on it 528 8 of a verse of Virgil 653 23 of other men's miseries. 367 27 Appointed-house a, for all living. 338 19 to th' a. place we tend. .. , 444 10 Appointment-fine a. he makes. . . 697 6 by a. do we meet delight 571 3 Appointments-nearmulberrytrees41S 13 Appomattox-oomes from A 22 17 Appreciate-few a. things beneath. 905 16 Appreciation-destroys a. 881 3 Apprehended-from without 58 4 Apprehension-of a coming evil. . . 159 7 in a. how like a god 491 26 sense of death is most in a. 177 10 Apprehensions-are greater. 268 7 added to well-founded a. 688 6 shut their a. up 268 11 Apprendre-a coqueriquer. 697 11 cerceuil vueilles a 162 19 et tousjours a. 422 17 Apprentice-Nature wasbut an a. . 888 9 our a. Tom may now refuse . . .536 19 Appris-ils n'ont rien a. 436 7 Approaches-gentle as their a. are 485 4 near a. make the prospect 352 26 ApDrobation-from Sir Hubert 624 21 gives manhood more a 774 10 Approve-bitter things 102 22 it with a text 664 22 me, lord 276 16 men of sense a 9 13 though all should a. thee 465 6 Approves-that which he a. 429 8 Appuyea-n'a pas 159 IS Aprecio-bueno y lo malo a 920 IS Aprende-facilmente se a 239 18 Apres-nous le d61uge 305 17 Apres-dinee-l'autre Pa 24 8 April-A.'s gift to A.'s bees 19 16 A.'s in the West wind 873 14