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Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1021

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soul, biting for a 737 10 spirit flieth with a 183 26 see also Anger pp. 27, 28 Anglais-Goddam, J'aixne les A.. .222 24

infanterie A. est 725 17 

chaque A. est une isle 224 14 les A. , nation trop fidre 615 20 Angle-brother of the a 30 1 give me mine a 29 12 trembling in bis hand 29 11 with my a. upon them 201 18 Angler-an honest a 29 20 bom an a 29 19 on the a.'s trysting-tree . 790 21 Angle-rod-made of sturdy oak. . . 29 8 Anglers-honest and good natur'd a. 29 16 or honest men 215 6 Angles-not a., but Angels 26 IS Angleterre-prit l'aigle 848 7 en a. soizante sectes 223 7 non seulement A 224 14 laperfideA 222 26 Angli-non A. sed Angeli 26 13 Anglica-gens est optima 224 6 Anglia-Miltonuxn jactat 608 7 Angling-see pp. 28, 30 Anglo-Saxon-contagion 219 10 Angry-allays an a. mind 58 1 be ye a. and sin not 27 17 but with thy tailor 776 23 Heaven is not always a 651 7 must make a lover a 482 7 such a. passions rise 581 19 the gods grow a 345 24 who s a. at a slander 714 IS with my friends 27 11 with the sinner. 711 22 Anguilles-de Melun 145 20 Anguis-latet a. in herba 160 9 sub viridi herba 158 18 Anguish-close the eye of a 667 2 drops of a. falling fast 607 12 ease the a. of a torturing 23 IS he groans in a 783 17 hopeless a. poured his groan. . .595 17 iron crown of a. crowned 718 19 lessened by another's a 575 22 love her doubting and a 469 4 of the singer marks 576 2 pierces to the bone 189 28 silent a. is dangerous 709 14 Angulo-condidit cura a 35 24 non sum uni a. natus 916 3 in a. cum libello 78 22 Angustee-flosculus a 447 6 Angustis-rebus in a 83 6 Angusto-limite mundi 195 13 Anhelans-multa agendo 561 13 Anima-certe, quia spiritus 736 17 dum a. est, spes est 375 17 la. mia gustava 36 11 lumen siccum optima a 514 7 mea in manibus 738 20 Animal-by nature a civic a 610 17 cet a. est tres mechant 30 10 fame the little a 591 11 good a. in the field 145 6 he is only an a 658 3 honest guileless a 575 6 is very malicious 30 10 m».Ti is a noble a 488 3 man is a social a 724 20 man is a tool-making a 489 7 serves the public, a poor a 647 23 sociale a. est.. 724 20 Animalibus— mutis a. da tarn. 439 9 quam dicendi facilitate 743 22 Animals-distinguish Mm from a. . 743 22 enters into other a 737 21 even to mute a 439 9 hurt not a 665 6 souls of a., infuse 255 14 such agreeable friends 297 20 that breathe 694 7 the a. that know nothing 172 1 the paragon of a 491 26 we are vertebrate a 493 18 Animate-the whole 139 12 substance, though not a 655 19 Animated-nres with a. sounds . . . 539 3 storied urn or a. bust 168 18 thou a. torrid-zone 64 1 want an a. "No'* 219 13 Animating-soul a. strains 609 10 Animation-of the heart of it 664 18 Anime-tengon l'a. triste 443 22 Animi-auribus offic.it 268 23 bene constituti 326 20 cultus quasi quidam 513 11 exiquique voluptas 672 7 frons est a. janua 513 12 imago a. vultus est 736 26 labes nee 868 6 medicus est a. consolatio 503 10 pax a. quern cura 719 9 pluresque a. quam corporis 513 13 qua sit natura a 737 21 securitate vitam 350 22 sermo a. est imago 744 14 Animis-ccelestibus irse 28 24 ignobile vulgus ,649 6 Anuno-ffiquo a. pcenam 651 3 beneficium debetur 69 3 casus a. qui tulit aequo 291 22 dantis aut f acien tis a 69 2 debet aequo a. pati 584 4 feremus aequo a 144 1 in a. perturbato 513 14 ne frena a. permitte 28 19 ultius tamen in a. sedent 573 12 Animorum-quam corporum 497 1 Animos-blanda truces a. fertur.. .601 10 conciliat a. hominum 415 19 degeneres a. timor arguit. .... .270 2 dulcique a. novitate 561 24 laxat a. et temperat 520 16 mille a. excipe mille 831 1 sic teneros a. aliena 243 7 tentare non cessat 258 8 ubi intravit a. pavor 268 22 vina paract a 876 12 Animula-vagula, blandula 737 11 Animum-coelum, non a. mutant. . 809 17 distraint a. liborum 79 21 est a., differs curandi 514 13 non a. potest 143 16 pneferre pudori 373 18 quoque praegravat 514 16 rege, qui nisi paret 27 21 remissio (arcum) 669 23 tu si a. vicisti 871 24 Animus-acclinis falsis a. meliora.514 14 sequus a. solatium 584 6 bonus a. in mala res 143 9 calamitosus est a 305 23 dum in dubio est a 826 19 fortunam magnus a decet 515 21 gratus a. est una 336 20 hoc habet argumentum 739 3 hominis conscius 346 8 inaTfl- mens malus a 241 12 quod perdidit optat 515 11 rebus a. muliebris 312 8 si a. est sequus 135 9 sperat quidem a 761 9 tamen omnia vincit 143 7 teloquea. prrestantior 745 19 valentior omni fortuna a 512 22 Anise-tithes of mint and a 885 21 Ankle-ora. sprain 705 8 deep you stick in mud 746 20 Ankles-against her a. as she 88 6 sunken in asphodel 45 9 Ankimdigt-Jimgling was er a. . , .469 11 Ann-hath a way 888 13 recollect a nurse called A 507 12 Anna-while A. reigns 686 19 whom three realms obey 778 24 Annalium-praacipium munus a. . .368 3 Annals-graved in characters 402 3 happy the People whose A . . . . 367 14 of modern greatness 860 11 people whose a. are tiresome.. .367 26 Anne-across the fields to A 899 8 Annfie-une fois dans l'a 572 2 Ann£es-voisines de 1789 445 21 Anne Mann-here lies A. M 229 8 Ann Hathaway-angels must love. 888 18 Annexed-every creature is a 465 22 Anni-labuntur a., nee pietas 795 6 multa ferunt a. venientes 127 18 prsedantur euntes 795 8 Annie-witch tales A. tells 755 13 Annie Laurie-all sang A. L 733 8 Annihilate-but space and time. .'.476 10 Annihilated-by the divine Mind, .706 14 Annihilates-and calls for more. . .866 26 Annihilating-all that's made 788 28 cannot but by a. die 389 10 Annihilation-nature abhors a. . . .544 20 Annis-crimen condiscitur a 149 6 fama est obscurior a 259 14 plenus a. abiit 374 4 tacitisque senescimus a 797 6 Anniversaries-of the heart 368 10 Anno-si numeres a. soles 766 16 Annorum-series et fugatemporum524 14 Annos-egerit hos a 807 21 inglorius a. exige 135 7 Announce-hairy meteor did a. . . . 749 7 Announced-by all the trumpets. 723 3 Annoyed-at loss of time 794 1 by sufferings 265 22 AnnuUed-be immediately a 715 18 Annum-nonumqueprematurina. 49 6 Anodynes-little a. that deaden. . . 358 4 Anointed-sovereign of sighs ..-. . . .324 10 these bells have been a 67 21 Another-a . 's the triumph 762 4 done for a. is 185 2 here goes a. to make sure 484 14 seed ye sow a. reaps 191 23 that which belongs to a 875 7 think one thing and a. tell 486 4 wears the bays 599 21 yet the same 126 22 Anschlag-Hoff nung in A 375 28 Anser-apie, vitellus 592 16 Ansicht-fur Nachkommen 619 6 Answer-a fool according to 284 20 another a. to him that asked. .393 24 dare as well a. a man 714 26 echo makes to music 215 16 for I have found it a 706 12 have to a. a woman 895 21 him ye owls 556 6 made a. to my word 776 7 man's a-waitm' for a a 871 13 meet and a. such 132 2 noblest a. unto such 710 12 not and I return no more 571 1 not thought an a 17 10 shortest a. is doing 7 4 soft a. turneth away wrath 743 21 such a. would stop them all 399 17 such high things 584 8 that's a Blazing strange a 741 20 that a. who and what 576 17 thou, Christiana is here 76 12 to a. wisely 411 4 to which an a. pealed 320 6 was a blameless life 691 10 winds of the world give a 224 11 would be afraid to a 925 19 with some rhyme 638 18 Answerable-to the people 335 4 Answered-beggar should be a 65 13 hath Caesar a. it 21 16 will not be a. so 404 14 "yes" I a. you last night 899 1 Answereth-money a. all things.. .522 9 Answering-goes a. light 215 16 one foul wrong. 414 26 AnswerlesB-are questions a 878 17 Answers—a thing that a 215 24 must have abstruse a 743 17 ne'er a. till husband cools 893 6 one that a. to his name 458 23 their a. 1 give to thee 696 9 which a. life's great end 455 12 Ant-cicala is dear, and a. to a. . .733 11 set thee to school to an a 780 2 what the reason of the a 4 3 see also Ant p. 30 AntagoniBm-of language and race752 18 Antagonist-our a. is our helper. . . 364 8 Antagonists-our a. think we 677 20 to furnish a. with arguments. . 41 23 Antan-ou sont les neiges d'a 723 16 Antecedentem-raro a. scelestum..414 7 Anteiri-minime a. vult 227 1 Ante-natal-many an a-n. tomb . . 88 IS Anthem-for the queenliest dead. . 174 1 pealing a. swells the note 537 3 sang the bold a. of Erin 400 16 thy plaintive a. fades 558 2 Anthems-the rests of A 712 26 roll back the sound of a 812 14 service high and a. clear 538 2 Anthropology-theology is a 663 2 Antic-rusty curb of old father a. .433 12 there the a. Bits 177 20