Nam multa praeter spem soio multis bona evenisse,
At ego etiam qui speraverint, spem decepisse multos.
For I know that many good things have happened to many, when least expected; and that many hopes have been disappointed.
Plautus—Rudens. II. 3. 69; Mostellaria. Act I. Sc. 3. L. 71.
Hope springs eternal in the human breast;
Man never is, but always to be blest.
| author = Pope
| work = Essay on Man.
| place = Ep. I. L. 95.
| seealso = (See also Browning under Progress)
| topic =
| page =
{{Hoyt quote
| num =
| text = <poem>Hope travels through, nor quits us when we
| author = Pope
| work = Essay on M an. Ep. II. L. 273.
For hope is but the dream of those that wake!
Prior—Solomon on the Vanity of the World.
Bk. III. L. 102.
| seealso = (See also Qutntilian)
| topic =
| page =
{{Hoyt quote
| num =
| text = <poem>Our hopes, like tow'ring falcons, aim
At objects in an airy height;
The little pleasure of the game
Is from afar to view the flight.
Prior—To Hon. Chas. Montague.
Hope deferred maketh the heart sick.
Proverbs. XIII. 12.
Et spes inanes, et velut somnia qusedam, vigilantium.
Vain hopes are like certain dreams of those
who wake.
Qctntilian. VI. 2. 27.
| seealso = (See also {{sc|Basil, Prior)
Who against hope believed in hope.
Romans. IV. 18.
Hope dead lives nevermore,
No, not in heaven.
Christina G. Rossetti—Dead Hope.
Who in Life's battle firm doth stand
Shall bear Hope's tender blossoms
Into the Silent Land.
J. G. Van Salis—Song of the Silent Land.
Verzweifle keiner je, dem in der triibsten Nacht
Der Hoffnung letzte Sterne schwinden.
Let no one despair, even though in the
darkest night the last star of hope may disappear.
Schiller—Oberon. I. 27.
The sickening pang of hope deferr'd.
Scott—Lady of the Lake. Canto III. St. 22.
Hope is brightest when it dawns from fears.
Scott—Lady of the Lake. Canto IV. St. 1.
Omnia homini, dum vivit, speranda sunt.
All things are to be hoped by a man as long
as he is alive. ("A very effeminate saying.