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Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/965

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With Places and Dates of Births and Deaths, and Brief Characterizations

Note. — The star (*) which precedes the names of some of the authors quoted indicates that they are cited too frequently to make it necessary to give the page folios on which quotations from their works will be found. Where the author is anonymous, the name of the volume or collection in which the quotation appears is cited. The following abbreviations are employed:

a, or ab.=about; b.=born; B.c.=Before Christ; c.=circa (about); d.=Dead or died; fl. = flourished ; L.= Living or lived.

A Abbott, Wenonah Stevens, journal- 736 ist, writer, lecturer, United States, 1865-L. Abd-el-Kader, Arab chief .Algeria, 1807-1883

Abu 'ii Ala, Arabian poet, died 977 440 Achilles Tatius (or Statius), Alex- 882 andrian rhetorician, lived end of 5th Cent, and beginning of 6th Cent. Adam of Cobsham 355 Adams, Charles Francis, lawyer, 841 diplomat United States, 1807-1886 Adams, Franklin Pierce, journalist, 801 humorist, writer, United States, 1881-L. Adams, John, statesman, 2nd Pres. U. S., United States, 1735-1826 329 330 368 584 Adams, John Quincy, 6th Pres. U. S., United States, 1767-1848 106 163 588 618 634 882 Adams, Samuel, patriot and orator, United States, 1722-1803

674 841 

Adams, Mrs. Sarah Flower, poet, 315 England, 1805-1848 Adams.Thomas, clergyman of wit and 221 learning England, died before 1660 ♦Addison, Joseph, writer..ENGLAND, 1672-1719 Ady, Thomas, writer on witchcraft, 63 England, 1656(61)- jEmilius, Paulus, Roman Consul, general, lived B.C. 216 291 486 705 jEschines, statesman and orator, 522 Greece, b.c 389-314 iEscHYLUS, tragic poet . . Greece, b.c. 525-456 12 34 163 182 208 244 289 350 364 397 434 518 550 564 666 579 631 647 735 780 882 Agesilaus, "The Great," king of Sparta Greece, b.c. 455-361 . .705 Aglionby 862 Aide, Charles Hamilton, French- 413 English musician, composer, dramatist, novelist, 1826-1906 Aikin, Lucy, historian, writer, 415 England, 1781-1864 Ainsworth, Wm. Harrison, novelist, England, 1805-1882 561 868 Aibke, Mlle.; letter writer, daughter 365 of Circassian chief, lived in France, 1694-1733 Aeenbide, Mark, poet. England, 1721-1770

383 434 487 700 815 

Alamanni, Luigi, statesman, poet, 233 Italy, 1495-1556 Alanus de Insulus. See Insulus. Alberic, Monk op Monte-Cassino, 773 France, 1140- Algssus, lyric poet, Greece, flourished about B.C. 600 39 330 521 841 Alciatus, Andrea, jurist, writer, 312 Italy, 1492-1550 Alcott, Amos Bronson, teacher and philosopher . United States, 1799-1888 75 439 775 809 818 835 886 Alouin, abbot, scholar, reformer, friend of Charlemagne, England, 735(?)-804 315 647 Aldrich, James, poet and journalist, 163 United States, 1810-1856 Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, poet and prose writer. United States, 1836-1907 54 57 139 161 163 184 201 210 246 379 457 501 554 568 572 615 655 716 769 780 787 877 Aldridge (Aldrich), Henry, dean of Christchurch . . England, 1647-1710


Aldridge, Ira, negro tragedian, 261 United States, 1810-1867 Aldus Manutius, printer, scholar, 85 Italy, 1447-1515 Alessandro, Allegri, see Allegri Alessandro. Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia, b.c. 356-323

600 615 

Alexander VI, pope, R. L. Borgia, 333 b., Spain, 1430; d., Italy, 1503. Alexander, Mrs. Cecil Frances, poet Great Britain, 1818-1895


Alexander, Patrick Proctor, au- 716 thor Scotland, 1824- Alexander, Wm., Earl of Stirling, poet, statesman, and courtier, Scotland, ab. 1567-1640 163 423 710 920 Alexis Guillaume, Benedictine poet 506 France, living 1506