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Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/966

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928 NAMES, NATIVITY, ETC., OF QUOTED AUTHORS Alfibki, Vittorio, poet and drama- tist Italy, 1749-1803

148 197 430 440 464 485 665 

707 787 Alfonso X. (Alphonso), "The 147 Wise," king of Castile. Spain, 1226-1284 Alfobd, Henry, Dean of Canterbury, poet, translator. . .England, 1810-1871 337 430 440 Alfred, "The Great," king of West 765 Saxons England, 849-901 Alger, Wm. R, minister and writer, United States, 1823-1905 73 133 204 246 398 504 525 570 578 583 669 671 682 Ali Ben Abou Taleb, son-in-law of 221 Mahomet Ababia, ab. 602-660 Alison, Richard, writer . . . 16th or 17th Cent.

250 251 

All Among the Babley, old English 698 Song, Pub. in Musical Times, No. 187 supplement Allegri Allessandbo, satirical poet, 198 Italy, ab. 1596 Alien, Elizabeth Akebs, "Florence Percy," poet, United States, 1832-1911 244 416 792 Allen, William, lawyer and politi- 841 cian United States, 1806-1879 Allingham, William, poet, Ibeland, ab. 1828-1889

253 314 633 

Allot, Robebt, compiler of England's 874 Parnassus, England, 15th and 16th Cent. Allston, Washington, painter, poet, 21 United States, 1779-1843 Ambbose, St. (Ambbosius), Latin father and writer Gaul, 340-397


Ames, Fishee, orator and statesman, 610 United States, 1758-1808 Amiel, Henbi Feedebic, philosopher, 308 critic Switzerland, 1821-1881 Ammianus Mabcellinus, Roman his- torian Antioch, died about 395

240 263 290 677 760 820 

Amyot, Jacques, scholar, translator, 36 man of great learning . Fbance, 1513-1593 Anachaesis, Scythian philosopher, lived, B.C. 600 315 430 Andeesen, Hans Chbistian, author, 440 Denmark, 1805-1875 Andbewb (Andbewes), Lancelot, 117 Bishop of great learning, one of the ten divines who translated the Pentateuch for James I., England, 1555-1626 Angelo Buonabottt, Michael, paint- er, sculptor, and architect, Italy, 1474-1563 359 398 593 694 Anstey, Chbistophee, satirical poet, England, 1724-1805 394 757 916 Antidote Against Melancholy (1661). 210 Antigonus I., "The Cyclops," ruler of 365 Phrygia, one of Alexander's generals B.C. 382(?)-301 Anti-Jacobin Poetry; appeared in the Anti-Jacobin or Weekly Examiner, a satirical organ of British Conservatives. Begun in 1797. 303 487 687 634 871 Antipatbr, of Sidon, epigrammatist, 121 . about B.C. 150-127 Antiphanes. physioian of Delos, lived ab. 2nd Cent. 695 763 Antibthenes, cynic and philosopher, 779 Greece, flourished about B.C. 400 or 375 Antoine, Pierre, see Motteaux, Antoine. . Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius, em- peror and philosopher.. .Italy, 121-180 194 241 256 326 400 561 653 Apollonius Rhodius, Greek rhetori- 620 cian, scholar, epic poet, b. at Alex- andria a. 235 B.C., died after b.c. 196 Appius Claudius, see Claudius Appius. Appleton, Thomas Gold, wit, essay- 81 ist, and poet.UNiTED States, 1812-1884 Appuleius (Apuleius), Latin satir- 694 ist, Platonic philosopher. . . .L. 2d Cent. Aquaviva, Claudio, general of the 311 Jesuits Italy, 1543-1615 Aquinas, St. Thomas, "Angelicus Doctor," theologian, teacher, taught at Rome and Paris Italy, 1225-1274

259 745 839 

Arabian Peovebb 419 420 689 Aratus, Greek poet, astronomer, 147 lived between b. c. 300 and 250 Aebuthnot, John, physician, wit, Scotland, 1667-1735 72 430 541 610 Archias of Thebes, Greek man of 85 letters, b.c. first cent. Archilochtts, poet and satirist, Greece, about B.C. 680 or 700 841 848 Archimedes, geometer, 622 Sicily, about B.C. 287-212 Aretino, satirical writer Italy, 1492-1557

Argenson, Marc Pierre de, states- 833 man France, 1696-1764 Ariosto, Ludovico, poet . . . Italy, 1474-1553

93 315 485 

Aristides, Miavs, sophist and rheto- rician. .Bithynia, born about 117(129)- 330 841 Abistodemus, semi-legendary ruler of 52 Messenia, reigned about b.c. 731-724 Abistophanes, poet and satirist, Greece, about B.C. 411 380 97 122 163 239 390 423 487 542 586 Aristotle, philosopher. .Greece, b.c. 384-322 97 125 267 308 413 440 502 544 572 581 610 672 702 772 825 Aemin, Robebt, actor, dramatist, 639 living in England, 1610 Aemstbong, John, poet and physician, Scotland, 1709-1779 12 71 132 375 535 629 717 835 864 911 Arndt, Ernst Moritz, poet and po- 82 litical writer, Island of Rugen, 1769-1860 Abne, Thos. Augustine, musician, 550 composer ; .England, 1710-1778 Aenold, Edwin, poet . . . England, 1832-1904 19 88 164 184 193 261 304 326 364 440 464 504 535 655 775 823 833 Arnold, George, litterateur, 204 350 698 United States, 1834-1865 Arnold, Matthew, poet.ENGLAND, 1822-1888 12 57 93 140 164 216 219 229 237 241 252 315 388 440 441 504 544 557 622 629 661 678 700 736 774 787 792 886 911 921 Arnold, Samuel J., dramatist, 550 841 England, 1774-1852 Arnould, Sophie, singer, actress, 733 France, 1744-1808 Areian, Flavius, historian, 882 Greece, lived c 130