Brydges, Sir Samuel, bibliographer, biographer, genealogist, England, 1762-1837 313 901 Buchanan, George, scholar, hiato- 523 rian, Latin poet. .Scotland, 1506-1582 Buchanan, Robert, poet and novel- ist England, 1841-1901
253 577 605 753 868
Buckmann, Georg, philologist, ar- ehalogist, classical scholar, compiler Germany, 1822-1884
844 850 883
Buckingham, George Villiers, Duke of, writer. .England, 1627-1688 196 883 Buckinghamshire, Duke of, see Sheffield, John Buckstone, John Baldwin, come- dian England, 1802-1879
Buddha, or Booddha, Gotama, born 925 near Kapilavastu, India, 568 B.C.; died near Kushinagara, Oudh, 488 b.c; founder of Buddhism. Buell, Mart E. 416 Buffon, G. L. la. de, naturalist and philosopher France, 1707-1788
Bugeaud, Thos. Robert, due d'Isly, 725 marshal of France, 1784-1849 Bulfinch, S. G., clergyman and 238 writer United States, 1809-1870 Bullard, Major-General Robert 843 Lee, distinguished in Great War United States, 1861-L. Bullen, A.H., author and publisher,1857-1920
BiiLow, Bernard, Count von, states- 843 man, chancellor. . .Germany, 1850-
- Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George
(Earl Lytton), novelist, England, 1803-1873 Bungay, George W., journalist, 723 England, 1826-1892 Bunn, Alfred, librettist, theatrical manager England, 1796-1860
375 582
Bunner, H. C., journalist and author, 23 39 United States, 1855-1896 Bunsen, Baron Christian, ambassa- 868 dor, scholar Prussia, 1791-1860 Bunyan, John, author. .England, 1628-1688
58 76 134 160 165 190 252 383 639 795 829
Burchard, Samuel D., clergyman, 610 United States, 1812-1891 Burdette, Robert Jones, humorist, 732 lecturer. . . .United States, 1844-1914 Burger, G. A., poet. . . .Germany, 1748-1794
Burgess, Frank Gelett, humorist, writer and poet United States, 1866-L. 97 145.286 Buhgon, John W., English clergy- 121 man, poet Burma, 1819-1888 Burgoyne, Gen. John, soldier, dram- 902 atist Great Britain, 1722-1792 Burguillos, Tome, see Vega, Lope de.
- Burke, Edmund, orator and states-
man Ireland, 1729-1797 Burleigh (Burghley), Wm. Cecil, 732 Lord, statesman. .England, 1520-1598 Burleigh, William Henry, poet, United States, 1812-1871 18 218 877 Burmann, Pieteb, classical scholar, 695 Holland, 1668-1741 Burnand, Sir Francis Cowley, hu- 465 morist, novelist, editor of Punch England, 1837-1917 Burnet, Gilbert, historian and pre- late Scotland, 1643-1715
Burnet, James (Lord Monboddo), 241 lawyer Scotland, 1714-1779 Burnett, Dana, author, poet, 88 United States, 1888-L. Burns, James Drummond, poet, clergyman Scotland, 1823-1864
♦Burns, Robert, poet. .Scotland, 1759-1796 Burr, Aaron, politician, 600 United States, 1795-1845 Burr, Amelia Josephine, author, 725 poet United States, -L. Burroughs, Jeremiah, Congrega- 887 tional minister, writer, England, 1599-1646 Burroughs, John, naturalist, 243 877 United States, 1837-1921 Burton, Rev. Henry, clergyman, 415 writer England, born 1840 Burton, Richard Eugene, poet, jour- nalist, critic. United States, 1861-L. 97 165 411 759 899 Burton, Sir Richard Francis, writ- 330 er, traveler England, 1821-1890 Burton, Lady, wife of Sir Richard 420 Francis
- Burton, - Robert, writer, philoso-
pher and humorist, England, 1576-1640(39) Bury, Richard de, see Aungerville. Bushnell, Samuel Clarke, clergy- 801 man United States, 1852- Bussy-Rabutin, Roger de, officer and satirical writer France, 1618-1693
615 843
Butler, Mrs. Frances Ann Kemble, see Kemble. Butler, James, Duke of Ormonde, 753 royalist, soldier. . .England, 1610-1688 Butler, Joseph, bishop . England, 1692-1752
634 787
Butler, Samuel, philosopher, artist, 524 archaeologist, miscellaneous writer England, 1835-1902
- Butler, Samuel, wit and poet,
England, 1612-1680 Butler, William Allen, lawyer and 31 poet United States, 1825-1902 Butterworth, Hezekiah, writer, 127 United States, 1839-1905 Byers, Sam, H. M., author, soldier, 843 on Sherman's staff, consul, United States, 1838-L. Byrd, or Bird, William, composer of 513 church music and organist to Queen Elizabeth, England, about 1540-1623 Byrom, John, writer and poet, England, 1691-1763 137 278 381 466 513 629 639 641 683 792 883
- Byron, George Gordon Noel, poet,
England, 1788-1824 C Cable, George Washington, novel- 54 ist, lecturer. United States, 1844-1921 Gaxius Rhodiginus, see Rhodigi- nus GaiLrus. Gmsab, Augustus, see Augustus Cesar. Cesar, Caius Julius, Roman general, statesman, writer, and orator, b.c. 100-44 66 129 267 289 430 534 844 882