932 NAMES, NATIVITY, ETC., OF QUOTED AUTHORS Botta, Anne C. Lynch, poet, 63 United States, about 1820-1891 Boucicault, Dion, dramatist, actor, 401 Ireland, 1822-1890 BOURDEILLES, PlERRE DE, See BrANt6mE. 840 Bouhget, Paul, novelist 840 France, 1852-L. Bourne, Vincent, scholar and writer, 912 England, 1698-1747 Bovee, Christian Nestell, author 47 712 and editor . . United States, 1820-1904 Bower, Walter, historian, 158 Scotland, 1385-1449 Boter, Lucien 365 Boyesen Hjalmar Hjorth, novelist, 416 464 Norway, 1848-1895 Boyle, Robert, chemist and philoso- 496 pher Ireland, 1626-1691 Boyse, Samuel, writer, 315 581 Great Britain, 1708-1749 Bracton, Henry de, ecclesiastic, 645 jurist England, -1268 Bradford, John, Protestant martyr, 335 England, 1510(?)-1555 Brady, Nicholas, author and divine, see Tate and Brady, Ireland, 1659-1726 Bragdon, Alonzo B., jurist, writer, scholar United States, 1847-
441 605
Bragg, general of confederate army, 221 United States, 1815-1876 Brainard, John G. C., poet, 122 535 United States, 1796-1828 Braithwait (Braithwaite), Rich- 462 496 ard ("Corymb^eus