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Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/973

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Chamfort, S. R. N-, litterateur, France, 1741-1794 292 428 644 647 672 Channing, William Elleky, writer and orator. .United States, 1780-1842 76 236 375 388 424 605 622 844 Chanson de Gest 851 Chansons Nationales de France 467 Chapman, Geokqe, dramatic poet, England, 1557-1634 6 10 58 85 185 199 218 283 289 381 405 430 467 521 534 548 565 569 570 578 580 632 636 640 645 692 835 867 903 908 Chapman, John, physician, author, 388 publisher England, 1822-1894 Charles d'Orleans (Comte d'An- 747 gouleme), poet Prance, 1391-1465 Charles II., Stuart king of England, 4 685 -1685 Charles V., "the Wise," king of 622 France, 1337-1380 Charles IX., king of France 1550-1574

222 920 

Charlton, William Henry, poet, 464 translator England, 1787-1866 Charost, Hippolyte de Bethune, 262 French diplomatist, man of letters Rome, 1603-1665 Charpes 889 Charron, Pierre, philosopher and theologian France, 1541-1603


Chartier, Alain, poet, political 732 writer France, c. 1385-0. 1449 Chase, Salmon P., statesman, United States, 1808-1873 522 715 827 Chatham, Lord, see Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham. Chatterton, Thomas, poet, England, 1752-1770 146 156 533 844 ♦Chaucer, Geoffrey, poet, England, 1328-1400 Cheney, John Vance, author, poet, librarian.. . .United States, 1848-1922 52 58 350 358 458 459 570 764 781 784 872 Chenier, Andre Marie de, French 3 825 poet Turkey, 1762-1794 Cherry, Andrew, actor and writer, Ireland, 1762-1812


Cheruel, Pierre A., historian, 333 France, 1809-1891 Chesney, Colonel, Charles C., 567 soldier, historian . England, 1826-1876 Chester, Anson G., poet. . . . 19th Cent. 908 Chesterfield, Earl of, courtier and statesman England, 1694-1773

98 185 193 205 219 227 277 

443 493 522 689 732 758 759 793 807 919 Chesterton, Gilbert K., humorist, essayist, critic .... England, 1874-L. 188 216 585 662 818 898 Chevalier, Albert, English come- 496 dian, song-writer 1861-L. Cheyne, Sir William, physician, 13 Scotland, 1852-L. Child, Lydia Maria, author, United States, 1802-1880 294 749 Chilo, one of the Seven Sages, Greece, b.c. 6th Cent. 3 220 430 Chinese Aphorism 315 Choate, Rufus, lawyer and orator, United States, 1799-1858 331 572 585 Chosrilus of Samos, tragic dramatist, 544 circa B.C. 470-399 Chorley, Henry F., author, 563 England, 1808-1872 Christy, David, geologist, chemist, 715 lecturer. . . .United States, 1802— Christyne, Jean Baptiste, jurist 645 and writer Belgium, 1622-1690 Chronicles of Battel Abbey (1066-1177)

Church, Benjamin, political writer, 166 United States, living 1775

  • Churchill, Charles, poet and satir-

ist England, 1731-1764 Churchill, Lord Randolph (Henry 611 Spencer) ; statesman, Chancel- lor of Exchequer, Sec. for India, England, 1849-1895 Churchill, Rt. Hon. Winston (Leonard Spencer); Sec. of State for War since 1918, England, 1874-L. 161 611 715 Cialdini, Enrico, general, 506 Italy, about 1814-1892 Cibber, Colley, dramatist and actor, England, 1671-1757 40 72 85 185 221 256 261 462 467 496 593 617 745 759 777 778 786 812 888 899 903

  • Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Roman

philosopher, statesman, and orator Italy, b.c. 106-43 Cintber 365 Clapp, Henry 488 Clare, John, poet England, 1793-1864

314 395 412 563 

Clarendon, Edward Hyde, historian 98 and statesman England, 1608-1674 Clark, Simeon Tucker, poet, 326 United States, 1836- Clarke, Charles Cowden, author, 793 Shakespearian ed. . England, 1787-1877 Clarke, Ednah Procter, poet, 381 United States, — L. Clarke, John, Baptist churchman, 369 903 physician England, (?)1609-1676 Clarke, Jos. Ignatius C, American 845 poet, editor, playwright, Ireland, 1846-L. Clarke, M'Donald, "the mad poet," United States, 1798-1842 398 525 737 749 Clarke, Samuel, divine, philosopher, 574 chaplain to Queen Anne, England, 1675-1729 Claudianus (Claudian), epic poet, Alexandria, about 365-after 408 12 53 65 83 94 166 226 243 262 289 311 373 404 413 467 542 559 588 594 647 650 670 677 683 836 922 Claudius Appius Gaicus, Roman 291 orator about b.c. 278 Claudius, Matthias, poet and theo- logian Germany, 1743-1815


Clay, Henry, statesman and orator, United States, 1777-1852 585 588 674 817 854 Clemenceau, George B. E., physi- 845 cian, journalist, prime minis- ter France, 1841-L. Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (Mark Twain), humorist, writer-, lec- turer United States, 1835-1910

37 121 233 283 371 407 485 

521 560 619 620 819 919 Clement I., Bishop of Rome, sup- 124 posed to be St. Paul's fellow laborer 92-100