936 NAMES, NATIVITY, ETC., OF QUOTED AUTHORS Clemmek, Mary, poet and author, United States, 1839-1884
407 764 857
Cleobulus, one of the Seven Sages, 246 Rhodes, b.c. 633-564 Cleveland or Cleaveland, John, 494 poet England, 1613-1659 Cleveland, Stephen Grover, 22d Pres. U. S 1837-1908
424 431 611 817
Clough, Arthur Hugh, poet, England, 1819 (20)-1861 522 788 Cobbe 642 England, living in 1614 Cobbett, William, writer, politician, 641 England, 1762-1835 Cobden, Richard, statesman, free- trade advocate England, 1804-1865
Codrington, Christopher, British 266 officer England, 1668-1710 Cogan, Thomas, medical writer, 356 England, 1545(?)-1607 Coke, Sir Edward, judge and jurist, England, 1552-1633 85 369 431 741 793 Colbert, Jean Baptiste, statesman, 611 financier France, 1619-1683 Cole, Dr. Henry, Dean of St. Paul's, 385 controversialist . England, 1500(?)-1580 Cole, Thomas, theologian, 823 England, about 1627-1697 Colerddge, Hartley, poet, England, 1796-1849 58 247 427 467 562 625 722 737 Colerh>ge, John D., F. R. S. Lord 493 Chief Justice England, 1820-1894 Colerddge, Mary E., poet, novelist, 898 essayist England, 1861-1907
- Coleridge, Samuel T., poet and
critic England, 1772-1834 Coles, Abraham. .United States, 1813-1891
Colet, John, priest, scholar, reformer, 588 England, 1466-1519 COLLARD, ROYER, See RoYER. Collier, Jeremy, theologian, Jacob- 360 He England, 1650-1726 Collier, John Payne, critic and anti- 900 quary England, 1789-1883 Collings, Hon. Jesse, educator, 18 statesman England, 1831- Collins, John, staymaker, miniature painter, actor. England, 1738-1809(10) 134 807 Collins, Mortimer, poet, novelist, England, 1827-1876 241 582 662 845 Collins, William, lyric poet, England, 1720-1756 82 98 150' 375 505 533 536 580 588 676 726 836 Colman, George, "The Younger," dramatist, actor. England, 1762-1836 181 205 286 336 390 502 510 525 544 573 624 683 706 737 827 903 Colman, Walter, poet. .England, -1645
Colton, Caleb Charles, sportsman, writer England, 1780-1832
48 113 276 297 306 518 593
622 662 Columella, Lucinus Junius Mod- 18 hratus, Roman writer on agri- culture Spain, lived about a.d. 40 COMPAGNON DE LA MaJALOINE, old 726 song Complaint of Doer 816 Complaynt of Scotland. (Before 906 time of Shakespeare.) Cone, Helen Gray, poet, 158 732 United States, 1859-L. Confucius, philosopher, China, about b.c. 551-478 145 236 360 420 435 576 756 836 871 903 Congheve, William, dramatic poet, -1729 24 58 71 150 286 467 496 536 592 600 642 691 740 758 793 807 868 883 Conkling, Hilda, poet 862 United States, 1910-L. Conkling, Roscob, lawyer, states- 674 man United States, 1829-1888 Conrad von Bennington 333 Constable, Henry, poet, 492 592 England, 1562-1613 Constant de Rebecque, Henri Ben- jamin, French politician, ora- tor, and writer, Switzerland, 1767-1830
Constantine, "The Great," Flaver- 129 rus Valerius Aurelius, first Christian emperor of Rome, 272—337 Constantini (Constanzo), Angelo 487 de, historian, poet. .Italy, 1507-151 1(?) Content and a Pipe 804 Conway, Hugh (Fred. John Far- 467 gus), novelist. . . .England, 1847-1885 Cook, Eliza, poet England, 1817-1889
123 223 304 506 861
Cooke, Edmund Vance, poet, author, lecturer United States, 1866-L.
22 54 145 166 311 417 443
456 536 625 645 726 816 Cooke, Josiah Parsons, scientist, 467 chemist .... United States, 1827-1894 Cooke, Rose, Terry, writer, United States, 1827-1892 39 254 679 Cooks and Confectioners' Die- 138 ttonary. London (1724) "CooLmGE, Susan," see Woolsey, Sarah Chauncey. Coombe (Combe), Wm., writer, 395 England, 1741-1823 Cooper, Sir Anthony Ashley, 3rd 664 Earl of Shaftesbury, states- man England, 1671-1713 Cooper, Sir Anthony Ashley, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury, philan- thropist England, 1801-1885
664 674 789
Cooper, George, poet, 401 England, 1820-1876 Cooper, James Fentmohe, novelist, 724 United States, 1789-1851 Cooper, John Gilbert, poet, 900 England, 1723-1769 Cooper, Thomas, English-American 329 educationist, nat. phi]., lawyer, politician 1756-1840 Cordelier, Freire Denise 35 Corneille, Pierre, dramatist, France, 1606-1684 82 113 136 148 166 239 256 288 297 311 350 354 373 398 485 518 622 683 825 Cornelius, Nepos, see Nepos Cob- nelius. Cornfohd, Mrs., poet . . England, -L.
Cornuel, Mme. A. M. Bigot de, 365 witty woman of letters, France, 1614-1694 "Cornwall Barry," see Procter, Bryan Waller. Cortez, Hernando, oonqueror of 809 Mexico Spain, 1485-1547