D'Israeli, Isaac, litterateur,
England, 1766-1848
43 46 77 81 89 119 133 150
217 226 266 308 340 400 408 461
598 606 653 654 656 697 730 745
758 913
Dix, John A., general and statesman, 274 United States, 1798-1879
Dixon, James Henry, poet, 644 888 England, 1803-1876
Doane (Bishop), George Washing- ton, ecclesiastic and poet, United States, 1799-1859 54 502 788
Doane, Wm. Croswell, bishop of Albany, writer, 767 United States, 1832-1913
Dobbin, Rev. Orlando Thomas, au- 91 thor Ireland, 19th Cent. Dobell, Sydney, poet . . . England, 1824-1874
Dobson, Henry Austin, poet, England, 1840-1921 26 43 58 77 139 155 602 790 845 Dodd, Rev. Henry Philip.
106 874
Doddridge, Philip, clergyman and theological writer, England, 1702-1751 444 925 Dodge, Mary Abigail, "Gail Hamil- ton," writer, United States, 1838-1896 1 49 642 Dodge, Mary Mapes, author, editor, 38 655 United States, 1838-1905 Dodgson, Rev. Chas. L., "Lewis Carroll" author. .. England, 1832-1898 34 107 211 216 273 409 528 560 597 777 Dodsley, Robert, bookseller, drama- tist, editor, author, England, 1703-1764 526 579 Dole, Charles Fletcher, clergy- 188 man, writer, United States, 1845-L. Domett, Alfred, poet. .England, 1811—1887
Donatus, .33lius, grammarian, teach- 582 er of rhetoric at Rome, living 356 Donne, Dr. John, poet and divine, England, 1573-1631 13 35 36 167 198 237 247 316 879 888 Dorr, Julia C. R., author, , United States, 1825-1913 88 279 327 336 372 457 562 679 806 833 D'Orsay, Alfred, count, leader of 199 fashion, painter, sculptor, lived in England France, 1798-1852 Doubleday, Thomas, author, 730 England, 1800-1870 Doudney, Sarah, novelist, England, 1843-L.
582 583
Douglas, Bishop Gavin, poet, 69 Scotland, 1474-1522 Dow, Lorenzo, preacher, 630 662 United States, 1777-1834 Dowling, Bartholomew, poet, 802 journalist Ireland, 1823-1863 Dowty, A. A. 666 Doyle, Sir Francis Hastings, poet, England, 1810-1888
Drake, Joseph Rodman, poet, 84 274 United States, 1795-1820 Draper, John William, chemist and 794 physiologist England, 1811-1882 Drayton, Michael, poet, England, 1563-1631 237 256 273 417 435 606 638 642 755 794 826 828 845 Drennan, Dr. William, poet and po- 400 Utical writer Ireland, 1754-1820 Drummond, Thomas, engineer, inven- 615 tor of Drummond Light, Scotland, 1797-1840 Drummond, William, poet, Scotland, 1585-1649 118 247 444 481 542 557 666 730 925 Drummond, Sir Wm., writer, philoso- 658 pher England, 1770(?)-1828
- Dryden, John, poet.. . .England, 1631-1700
Du Bartas, Guillaume de Salluste, poet, diplomatist . . . France, 1544-1590 94 109 136 154 167 185 190 217 261 331 427 444 468 489 502 545 554 593 620 639 640 642 643 745 794 869 913 Ducis, Jean Francois, dramatist, 734 adapter of Shakespeare. France, 1733-1816 Du Deffand, see Deffand, Mme. du. Dudevant, Mme., "George Sand," novelist France, 1804-1876
352 398 646 840
Duet printed, 1795, probably written 556 earlier, "But we that have but span-long Life." Dufferin, Helen Selina Sheridan, Lady, ballad writer, England, 1807-1867 247 297 468 Dulaure, Jacques Antoine, arche- 333 ologist and historical writer, France, 1755-1835 Du Lorens, Jacques, satirical poet, 662 France, about 1583-1650 Dumas, Alexandre, novelist, drama- tist France, 1802-1870
759 889
Du Maurier, see Maurier, George L. P. B. du. Dunbar, Paul Laurence, negro poet, United States, 1872-1906
Duncombe, John, divine, poet, 502 England, 1729-1786 Duncombe, Lewis, 1711-1730
Dunne, Finley Peter, author, hu- morist, journalist, United States, 1867-L. 522 845 Dupanloup, Felix Antoine Phil- 266 liert, prelate, writer, France, 1802-1878 Dupin, Andre M. J., lawyer and legis- lator France, 1826-1865
Durfee or D'Urfey, Thomas, drama- tist and humorist, England, about 1650-1723 206 597 Dursli und Babeli 317 Du Val (Vall), Claude, highway- 230 man France, 1643-1670 D wight, John Sullivan, musical and 669 literary critic and translator, United States, 1813-1893 Dwight, Mary Ann, author, 403 United States, 1806-1858 Dwight, Timothy, divine, scholar, 22 and author. . United States, 1752-1817 Dyer, Sir Edward, poet and 513 Courtier England, -1607 Dyer, John, English clergyman, poet, Wales, 1700-1758 338 444 545 675 802 839 925