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Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/978

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940 NAMES, NATIVITY, ETC., OF QUOTED AUTHORS E Eachard, John, divine, teacher, 848 England, 1636(?)-1697 Eadmer (Edmeb), eccles., historian, 647 biographer. ..England, 1060(?)-1124(?) East, Rev. John 316 East, Rev. Thomas 102 Eastwick, Edward B., orientalist, 263 England, 1814-1883 Eaton, Norman B., lawyer, 817 United States, 1823-1899 Ebbsworth, Jos. W., ed. of ballads, 468 poet, miscel. writer, England, 1824-1908 Eddy, Mrs. Mart Baker Gloveb, founder of Christian Science, United States, 1821-1910

316 513 706 819 

Edgeworth, Maria, author, 81 575 908 England, 1767-1849 Edwards, Amelia B., novelist, writer, 133 and Egyptologist.. England, 1831-1892 Edwards, Richard, dramatic poet, 297 913 England, 1523-1566 Edwin, John, comedian. England, 1749-1794

Eedes (Edes), Richard, Dean of 534 Worcester England, 1555-1604 Egan, Maurice Francis, translator, 114 novelist, essayist, editor, diplo- matist United States, 1852-L. Egerton Papers, (1552) 415 Eglington, Archibald Wm. M., 141 statesman . . Great Britain, 1812-1861 Eldon, John Scott (Earl of Eldon), jurist England, 1751-1838

522 878 

Eliot, Charles W., educator, writer, 617 scholar United States, 1834-L. Eliot, George, see Cross, Mary Ann Evans Elizabeth, Queen of England 1533-1603

42 99 198 289 569 645 

Ellenborough, Edward Law, Lord 819 Chief Justice England, 1750-1818 Ellerton, William, 900 Elliott, Ebenezer, "The Corn Law Rhymer," poet. . . .England, 1781-1849 84 156 185 230 262 356 444 611 626 833 908 Elliott, Jane, poet. England, 1727-1805 279 Ellis, Sir Henry, antiquarian, libra- 532 rian of British Museum, England, 1777-1869 Ellis, Mrs. Sarah Stickney, author, 297 England, 1812-1872 Ellsworth, Erasttjs W., poet, 369 United States, 1823- Elphinstone, John, Lord, governor 872 of Madras and Bombay, England, 1807-1860 Elston, Friar, in reign of Henry 360 VIII Ely, Mrs. Foster, poet, 168 United States, 20th Cent. Elyot, Sir Thomas, diplomatist and 594 784 author England, about 1499-1546 ♦Emerson, Ralph Waldo, essayist and poet. . . . United States, 1803-1882 Emmet, Robert, patriot. Ireland, 1780-1803

Emmett, Dan. Decatur, song writer, 585 United States, 1815-1904 England's Parnassus, a oolleotion of 874 old English poets, compiler given as Robert Allot (prob- ably his father) , registered Oct. 2, 1600; original in theBodleian Library, Oxford, England. Englefield, Sir Henry Chas., anti- 157 quary England, 1752-1822 English, Thomas Dunn, poet and writer United States, 1819-1902

506 811 889 

Ennius, Roman epic poet, of Greek origin. . . .Calabria, about B.C. 239-169 83 187 230 354 364 667 848 879 Epichabmus, Dorian comic poet, 698 Pythagorean philosopher, B.C. 540(?)-450 Epictetus, philosopher Phrygia, 60-120

288 303 327 596 643 668 871 

Erasmus, Gerard Didier, scholar, philosopher, aDd writer, Holland, 1465-1536

113 140 199 239 247 252 271 
312 338 346 435 445 493 497 
636 647 670 705 706 754 777 
819 846 862 879 915 918 922 

Ebsktne, Henry, Lord Advocate, ora- 674 tor, wit Scotland, 1746-1817 Erskine, John, divine, theologian, 692 Scotland, 1721(?)-1803 Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of. General, favorite of Queen Elizabeth England, 1567-1601


Estienne or Ettenne, Henri, print- er and scholar France, 1528-1598

644 922 

Euclid, geometer, Greece, alive during B.C. 323-283 435 641 EuRiproEB, tragic poet. . . Greece, b.c. 48-406 6 121 168 289 306 311 312 316 364 396 445 468 506 559 586 645 650 670 671 675 724 775 788 796 816 825 830 846 889 922 Eusden, Mrs. 909 Eustathius, archbishop of Thessa- lonica, classical commentator, —1198 110 220 Evans, Dr. Abel, divine, poet, 230 England, 1679-1737 Everett, David, editor and writer, 573 United States, 1769-1813 Everett, Edward, orator, scholar and statesman. United States, 1794-1865 99 524 533 861 Evremond, Charles de Saint Den- 429 is, litterateur, wit, and cour- tier France, 1613-1703 Ewart, William, scholar, politician, 126 England, 1798-1869 Ewer,- W. N., poet pres. Cent. 295 Eytinge, Margaret, author 54 Faber, Frederick W., priest and writer England, 1815-1863

424 674 769 815 

Fabius 879 Fahnstocx, Harris C, financier, 181 United States, 1835-1914 Fairfax, Edward, writer, 59 Great Britain, 1580-1635 Fairholt, Frederick Wm., artiBt and 804 antiquary England, 1814-1866 Falconer, William, poet, Scotland, 1730-1769 398 704 765 770 Fane, Julian C. H., poet.ENGLAND, 1827-1870

Fanshawb, Catherine M., author, 157 360 England, 1765-1834 Farquhar, George, dramatist, Ireland, 1678-1707 4 142 308 522 532 536 585 592 642 712 889