Farhak, Frederick Wm., dean of St. Paul's, novelist, philologist, ec- clesiastical writer.. England, 1831-1903 360 764 Faulkb, Mrs. Frederic J. (Theo- dosia Garrison), poet, United States, 1874-L. 429 846 Favart, Chas. S., dramatist and writer France, 1710-1792
Fawcett, Edgar, American-English 336 novelist 1847-1904 Fat, W. M. L., poet. . . .England, pres. cent.
Felltham (Feltham), Owen, moral- ist England, 1602(?)-1668
712 913
Fenelon, Francois, prelate and au- thor France, 1651-1715
626 758
Fenton, Elijah, poet, ... England, 1683-1730
Ferdinand I., emperor of Germany, 415 Spain, 1503-1564 Ferguson, Charles, clergyman, law- 218 yer, economist, writer, United States, 1863-L. Ferguson, Samuel, poet. Ireland, 1810-1886
Fergusson, James, architect, 40 Scotland, 1808-1886 Fergusson, Robert, poet, 338 Scotland, 1750-1774 Ferriar, John, physician and writer, 78 262 England, 1761-1815 Ferrier, Louis, poet France, 1652-1721
Ferte, Henri Francois, Marshal 859 de la France, 1657-1703 Fessenden, William P., U. S. Sen- 671 ator United States, 1806-1869 Feuerbach, Ludwig Andreas, 663 philosopher and skeptic, Germany, 1804-1872 Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, philoso- 871 pher Germany, 1762-1814 Field, Eugene, poet, humorist, lec- turer United States, 1850-1895
110 205 211 409 591 718
Field, Nathaniel, actor, dramatist, 641 England, 1587-1633 Field, Stephen J., jurist, 431 United States, 1816-1899 Ftelding, Henry, novelist, England, 1707-1754 59 108 136 207 211 243 247 367 399 418 461 467 521 542 545 574 639 645 755 785 863 893 913 Fields, James T., litterateur, United States, 1817-1881 144 150 484 576 FlLICAJA, VlNCENZA DA, poet, ITALY, 1642-1707
Finch, Francis M., poet and lawyer, 726 United States, about 1828-1907 Firdousi, Firdousee, or Firdausi, Abool Kasim Mansoor, Per- 699 sian poet . . Khorassan, about 940-1022 Firmin, Giles, physician, noncon- 362 formist England, 1615-1697 Fisher op Kjlverstone, John Ar- buthnot, first sea Lord of Ad- miralty, writer England, 1841-1920
857 919
Fitzgepprey (Fitzjeffrey), Charles, poet, clergyman, 585 England, 1575(?)-1638 FitzGerald, Edward, poet and trans- 445 lator. (See also Omar for his translations) England, 1809-1883 Flamm, Oswald, scientist, 850 Germany, 1861-L. Flatman, Thomas, poet..ENGLAND, 1637-1688
Flavel, John, logician . . .England, 1596-1617
Flecknoe, Richard, poet and dram- 708 atist England, died about 1680 Fleetwood, William, bishop, theo- 221 logian, scholar England, 1656-1723 Fleming, Alice 168 Fletcher, Andrew, Lord Innerpef- 48 fer, judge Scotland, -1650 Fletcher, Andrew, writer and ora- 56 tor Scotland, 1653-1716 Fletcher, Giles, poet, 655 772 England, about 1588-1623 Fletcher, John, dramatist, England, 1576-1625 6 205 444 602 718 781 889 Fletcher, Phineas, poet, England, 1584-1650 31 481 624 772 900 Fleury, Maria de, 415 Florian, J. P. Claris de, novelist 909 and poet France, 1755-1794 Florio, John, teacher, writer, trans- 349 lator England, 1553(?)-1625 Flohus, L. Annmvs, Roman histori- 607 an, living in 125. Flower, Roswell P., governor of 817 New York. .United States, 1834-1899 Foch, Ferdinand, Field Marshal, authority on military strategy, commander of allied forces in Great War France, 1851-L.
846 919
Foley, James William, journalist, 402 writer of sketches and verse, United States, 1874-L. Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier de, author France, 1657-1757
674 819
Foote, Samuel, author and actor, England, 1720-1777 24 524 889 Ford, John, dramatist. . . England, 1586-1640
468 497 505 639 776
Ford, Mrs. Lena Gilbert, Ameri- 846 can poet, killed in London dur- don during an air raid in the World War. Ford (Forde), Thomas, author, 468 474 England, living 1660 Fordyce, James, author and divine, 316 Scotland, 1720-1796 Forman, Simon, astrologer and physi- 142 cian England, 1552—1611 Forster, John, historian and biogra- 308 pher England, 1812-1876 Fortescue, Sir John, jurist, 641 • England, died about 1476 FORTINGUERRA (CaRTEROMACHUS) , 734 Scipione, philologist . Italy, 1466-1515 Fortunatus, Bishop of Poictiers, 209 Latin poet Ceneda, 530- Foss, Sam Walter, poet, librarian, United States, 1858-1911 22 81 108 379 380 570 Foster, Hon. Sir George Eulas, 223 minister of Trade and Com- merce, writer, statesman, Canada, 1847-L. Foster, John, clergyman, essayist, 308 England, 1770-1843 Foster, Stephen Collins, song writer United States, 1826-1864
Fotherby, Martin, bishop of Salis- 535 bury England, 1549(?)-1619