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Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/981

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Gesta Romanorum (deeda of the Romans), oldest story book of Middle Ages, collection of 181 stories, Helinandus, given as author in Bodleian Cat. attrib- uted also to Berchorius (about 1350) neither substantiated. See Quarterly Review, No. 277, p. 100 152 229 231 616 846 Gibbon, Edward, historian, England, 1737-1794 65 99 289 336 367 431 469 548 595 657 672 724 730 864 Gibbons, James Sloan, financier, 726 philanthropist, United States, 1815-1892 Gibbons, Thomas, clergyman and author England, 1720-1785


Gibson, Wm. Hamilton, artist and author United States, 1850-1896


Gifford, Humphrey, poet, 542 England, 1550-1600 Gifford, William, critic and author, 732 830 England, 1756-1826 Gilbert, Gabriel, dramatic poet, 677 France, 1610(?)-1680(?) Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, navigator, 360 conducted two expeditions to America England, 1539-1583 Gilbert, William S., dramatist, librettist England, 1836-1911

35 185 224 331 395 548 550 

611 650 703 713 760 774 807 819 900 Gilbertus, Cognatus 237 652 Gilder, Richard Watson, poet, editor and writer, United States, 1844-1909 99 114 116 168 254 429 445 469 542 552 602 606 679 701 722 745 764 794 846 861 889 Gilfillan, Robert, poet, 409 Scotland, 1798-1800 Gillespie, William poet, 847 Scotland, 1776-1825 Gilman, Caroline, author, 768 United States, 1794-1888 Gilman, Charlotte Perkins Stet- 241 son, poet, lecturer, writer on ethics, sociology, United States, 1860-L. Gilray (Gillray), James, caricatur- 641 ist England, 1757-1815 Gil, Vicente, dramatist, founder of Spanish and Portuguese dra- matic literature. .Portugal, 1485-1557 559 681 Giovanetti, Arturo, poet. .Italy, 1884-L.

Giraldus, Cambrensis, ecclesiastic, 898 historian Wales, 1147-1222 Giusti, Giuseppe, satiric poet, 705 Italy, 1809-1850 Gladden, Washington, clergyman, 734 author United States, 1836-1918 Gladstone, Rt. Hon. William Ewart, statesman, orator, and author England, 1809-1898

99 283 542 567 630 724 823 

Glasse, Hannah, writer on cookery, 138 England, living 1747 Gleim, Johann W. L., poet, 679 Germany, 1719-1803 Gloucester, Robert of, chronicler, 422 England, lived in 1270 Godly, Queen Hester (1530) 216 Godwin, William, novelist, philos- 295 opher, writer England, 1756-1836 Goethals, George Washington, dis- 760 tinguished army engineer, United States, 1858-L.

  • Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von,

poet ' Germany, 1749-1832 Golden Verses of Pythagoras 697 Goldoni, writer of comedies . Italy, 1707-1793

182 559 619 631 777 809 913 

♦Goldsmith, Oliver, poet and prose writer Ireland, 1728-1774 Gombauld, Jean Ogier de, poet, 230 France, 1567(?)-1666 Gomes de Trier 245 Good, John Mason, physician and author England, 1764-1827

156 351 

Goodale, Dora Read, poet, United States, 1866-1915 45 53 89 123 353 365 834 Goodale, Elaine (Mrs. Chas. A. Eastman), poet, United States, 1863-L. 26 39 124 326 391 495 519 874 Googe, Barnaby, poet and translator, England, about 1538-1594 34 470 506 707 Goosecappe, Sir Giles 640 Gordon, Adam Lindsay, poet, 445 Gordon, A. M. R., see Rose, A. McGregor. Gorgias, Leontinus, sophist, rhetor- 42 ician Greece, B. C. 483-375 Australia, 1833-1870 Goschen, Rt. Hon. Sir William Edward, diplomatist, states- man England, 1847-L.


Gosson, Stephen, divine and drama- tist England, 1554-1623


Gough, John B., English-American 205 temperance lecturer 1817-1886 Gough, Richard, antiquary, editor, 234 England, 1735-1809 Gould, Hannah Flagg, poet, 566 United States, 1789-1865 Gournay, minister of commerce, 611 France, Gow, Neil, violinist, composer, 273 Scotland, 1727-1807 Gower, John, "The Moral Gower," poet England, about 1325-1408

674 909 

Gracchus, Caius Sempronius, Ro- 429 man statesman, orator, B.C. 159(?)-121 Grafton, Richard, printer and his- 524 torian England, died about 1572 Grahame, James, poet and divine, 689 Scotland, 1765-1811 Grahame, James, see Montrose, Marquis of. Graham, Robert (Cunningham Gra- 900 ham), song writer, Colonial official Scotland, -1797(?) Grainger, James, poet and physi- 356 cian Scotland, about 1723-1767 Grant, Mrs. Anne, author, poet, 869 Scotland, 1755-1838 Grant, Ulysses S., general and 18th Pres. U. S.. . United States, 1822-1885 40 345 431 588 847 Granville, George (Lord Lands- do wne), statesman and poet, England, 1667-1735 3 59 134 226 243 417 469 504 836 890 Granville, G. G. Leveson-Gower, 753 earl, statesman, foreign secre- tary England, 1815-1891 Graves, Richard, divine and writer, 262 England, 1715-1804