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Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/982

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944 NAMES, NATIVITY, ETC., OF QUOTED AUTHORS Gbavina, Dominic da, historian, 125 Italy, living 1330-1350 ♦Gray, Thomas, poet, prose writer, and scholar England, 1716-1771 Greek Anthology.

321 322 360 361 694 875 

Gkeeley, Horace, journalist, United States, 1811-1872 588 640 855 Green, Anna Katherine, novelist, 207 United States, 1846-L. Green, Matthew, poet . England, 1696-1737

168 245 549 

Greene, Albert G., poet, 32 United States, 1802-1868 Greene, Edward Barnaby, poet, 370 translator England, 1740(?)-1788 Greene, George A., dramatist, 705 England, time of Edward IV. Greene, Robert, dramatist, England, 1560-1592 65 134 142 185 248 262 317 379 404 469 514 639 886 Grefs 107 Gregory I., "TheGreat," the Pope who reformed church service, 540(?)-604 26 424 Gregory, James, geometer, inventor, 392 scientist, Scotland, 1638-1675 Gregory, Nazienzen (Gregorius 695 Nazianzemis) , "The Theolo- gian," Greek father, pulpit orator 326-389 Gregory VII., Hildebrand, Pope, 414 Tuscany, about 1015-1085 Grellet, Etienne de, called Ste- 430 phen when he joined the Quak- ers. Traveler and evangelist, France, 1773-1855 Gresset, Jean B. L. de, poet, 758 France, 1709-1777 Greswell 531 Grete, Herbal (1516) 865 Greville, Chas. Cavendish Fulke, 648 diarist England, 1794-1865 Greville, Mrs. Frances, poet, 392 England, 18th Cent. Grey, Edward, viscount, diplomatist, 847 Sec. of State for foreign affairs

to 1916 England, 1862-L. 

Griffin, Gerald, novelist, poet, 507 636 dramatist Ireland, 1803-1840 Grlmoald or Grlmbold, Nicholas, 674 poet England, died about 1563 Grobianus 24 Grote, George, banker, historian, 491 Great Britain, 1794-1871 Grotius, Hugo, father of Interna- 424 tional Law, theologian, his- torian Holland, 1583-1645 "Grun, Anastasius," see Auersperg, Anton Alexander von. Grundy, Sydney, dramatist, 541 England, 1848-1914 Gruter,. Jan, Flemish philologist, 1560-1627

Gryphius, Andreas, poet, drama- 883 tist Germany, 1616-1664 Guarini, Giambattista, poet, Italy, 1537-1612 469 615 Guest, Edgar Albert, American 760 humorist, poet, miscellaneous writer 1881-L. Guevara, Antonio, Bishop . Spain, -1548

Guichard, Claude de, antiquary, 497 France, -1607 Guicciardini, Francesco, historian and dramatist Italy, 1482-1540

387 753 760 847 

Guido, Reni, painter 576 Italy, 1575-1642 Guilbert de PrxERECOURT, R. C, 79 dramatist France, 1773-1844 Guiney, Louise Imogen, poet, born 72 354 in U. S., lived later in England, -1920 Guiterman, Arthur, American poet, Austria, 1871-L. 168 489 Guizot, Francois Pierre G., states- man, historian, eclectic philos- opher France, 1787-1874


Guhney, Dorothy Frances, poet, 307 living. Guy de Faur, see Pibrac. Guyot, Arnold Henry, scientist, 29 settled in America, Switzerland, 1807-1884 Habington, William, poet, England, 1605-1645 140 521 684 749 Hadrian or Adrian, Hadbianus Pub- 737 lius, 2Elius, Roman emperor, Italy, 76-138 Hadrianus, Julius 550 Hafiz, Mohammed Shems-ed-Deen, poet Persia, about 1300-1388

262 469 

Hageman, Samuel Miller, author, 913 United States, Hagenbach, Karl Rudolf, Protes- 611 tant theologian, writer, Switzerland, 1831-1874 Haig, Sir Douglas, commander of 847 British forces in France and Belgium Scotland, 1861-L. Hakewell, George, see Hokewill, George. Hale, Edward Everett, author, 635 United States, 1822-1909 Hale, Lucretta P., writer, 594 UnttedStates, 1820-1900 Hale, Sib Matthew, judge, historian, 371 England, 1609-1676 Hale, Captain Nathan, patriot, 585 United States, 1755-1776 Hale, Sarah J., author, 426 655 United States, 1793-1879 Hales, John, "The Ever Memorable," 31 scholar and divine . . .England, 1584-1656 Haliburton, Thomas Chandler, 120 author Nova Scotta, 1797-1865 Hall, C. A. 346 Hall, Joseph, bishop and writer England, 1574^1656

338 345 566 

Hall, Robert, minister and orator 49 875 England, 1764-1831 Hallam, Henry, historian and critic, 85 England, 1777-1859 Halleck, Fitz-Greene, poet. United States, 1790-1867 80 141 169 338 358 366 522 542 585 Halliwell, James O., archeologist and author England, 1820-1889

396 909 

Halpinb, Charles G., "Miles 348 459 O'Reilly," American journalist, poet and humorist . Ireland, 1829-1869 Hamilton, Alexander, statesman, 181 753 orator, and general. United States, 1757-1804 Hamilton, Eugene Lee, see Lee-Hamilton. "Hamilton, Gail," see Dodge, Mary Abigail. Hamilton, John (Lord Belhaven), 570 statesman Scotland, 1656-1708